Video Lesson Coach

Thank you very much, for making an appearance, André!

I appreciate that, and it shows genuine interest in the community to take time to post with us. It’s also very gracious of you to invite questions.

Nicely done.

Hey Andre? Does this mean your going to be goofing off with more of the forum members now? Just curious.

Hey Andre question how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood

We do have some fun plans for our forum community here going into 2015. I should definitely be around more off and on. :slight_smile:

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Good question! Go play yo-yo. There are some mysteries in life that will always remain unanswered. ;D


I just wanna say THANK YOU for everything! You’re the best André!
Oh yeah, and where are those new tutorials you were hinting to on Instagram right before nats?

Videos are coming along great! We are pretty much through editing - just getting through holiday season rush - I would expect early 2015 release with more throughout the year too.


Hey Andre with the new videos coming will there be more 5a videos coming too

Nothing ‘immediately’ - but it is definitely something we plan to do more with at some point.

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I’ve got one for you. Any fixed axle tutorials planned?

No tuts should be needed for fixed… only you own imagination….

Then again that’s what I think for regular 1a too.

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Thanked even though he does’nt own a fixed axle yoyo

I own 5 lol….

I do like the idea of maybe running some fixed axle tutorials! We have talked with Ed & Drew about it in the past - and while we haven’t made any real plans yet I would say there is a strong possibility!

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