Verdicts on Speedaholic Max?

I’m just window shopping around, noticed the Speedaholic Max gets overlooked a lot and was wondering what peoples thoughts of it were? I’ve heard it’s heavy and reluctant feeling, idk, I just wanna see thoughts

Also some tricks. The trickcircles I’ve found using the speedaholic max are uhhh, not great :skull::skull:

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It’s not speedy but it is very stable . Feels nice o. The string it’s heavy but is still floaty due to the large diameter and the width. I feel like it does everything good , but does not stand out that much in my opinion . It’s a great throw overall . I feel like c3 should be rated higher than it is . Their Yoyos hold up to yoyorecreation well in my opinion .


Also here’s a trick circle with kuba using it .


Don’t know if this counts (trickcircle) but here is a video of leo chan and peter pong doing epic tricks with the speedaholic max.


It’s kinda wild to me that there aren’t vids of people doing their rail combos on it :skull::skull: like bro how you boutta get a yoyo called the speedaholic max then not even try to go fast

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this doesn’t really contribute anything to what you were asking, but it got me to look up some trick circles with the speedaholic max and this is nice

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