Vegetarians Unite and take over the world

I would never dare insult the great Macedonia’s little brother!


You can substitute portobello mushrooms for ground beef in most recipes.


Makes great burgers.


I have never had a mushroom in my life. Honestly I’m a little scared to try one hahaha.

But I guess it’s a good time!!


Bro…vege pizza? Vege subs? Chinese food with just vegetables?

I’m on a vegetarian diet for about a year now. For the most part I eat vegan, but I smuggle in some dairy every now and then for my B12 intake. I just could not stand contributing to the animal suffering anymore.

What keeps me in the game are these soy and wheat based meats that have great texture and taste.

In addition, I also stopped drinking alcoholic beverages at the same time.


I had the same problem when I went vegetarian.

The solution for me was brisket.


I’m not a vegetarian, but I do get down with a lot of vegetarian/vegan food. We are regularly trying out new recipes from our cookbook collection, and I will try to share the ones that I really like in here.

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I found the most amazing chef’s secret for cooking mushrooms so they don’t… I repeat… don’t get mushy. :smiley:
I’ll tell you what, but if I don’t tell you why, you won’t believe me. You still may not. So think about what mushrooms are, and where they grow. They grow in very damp conditions yet never rot. As a part of the breakdown process, they are waterproof, yet filled with moisture. If you cook them in any way, the moisture inside stays intact and becomes mushy. However, if you braise them in a pan of boiling water for about 10 minutes, until the water boils off, this actually (believe it or not) removes the moisture from the mushroom. After this, you cook it in whatever way you were wanting to cook them, and they will turn out with a more meaty texture. Try it, if you’re used to cooking mushrooms you’ll notice a major difference. If I can find that article I’ll link it, but if you try it, please post how you liked it. I like to quarter them, and after this method I’ll smoke them on the grill… I’ve hated mushrooms my whole life… I love these. Also (after the method, always use the method first) I like to pan fry them in olive oil and season them with lime zest and steak seasoning. So delicious.


Yea but it gets old though ya know? Like the same thing again and again?

Before I was veggie I’d go get BBQ, or then steak. Or a burger.

Trying my best to stick with it. But variety is the issue for me. Some great people have reached out with recipes which is cool!

I saw those on the store. Do they really taste alright?

I have heard about people cooking them on grills and such and using them for steak and burgers. I will have to try this!!!

I could not find the article I was referring to. When you look up ways to prevent the mushrooms from becoming soggy or mushy, you’ll get a few different ideas. Braising them in a pan until all the water boils away prior to adding oil, or grilling, or whatever does in fact make for a nice meaty mushroom. Another method that came up while I was searching that I haven’t tried but will still advocate because it does the same thing. Dry sauté. Basically the same thing but with no water. Just place the mushrooms in a dry pan on medium-high heat. You’ll see the moisture cooking out of them. When this stops, maybe 10 minutes, you add a splash of oil and finish them off, or move them on to whatever other method of cooking you wish to finish them off. Voila. You will have some nice meaty mushrooms. :wink:


I cannot speak for anything outside the German market, but yes, they are very nice.

There are also larger pieces that look like entire chicken breats which are also very tasty.
Then there’s all this BEYONDMEAT stuff. I only tried the patties, those are fine.

Fried “vish” is also good.

Oh, to make diced mushrooms that dont go soggy always just make them on a pan alone. If you need to mix them, cook them first and pull them out to the side while you make everything else then mix them in at the end.

Make sure you dont make so many that they overlap one another. They just need space so the water evaporates as they cook so that you arent boiling them in their own water.

Dont be afraid of higher temps, thats the key to make the water evaporate anyway. I like mine with a good sear.

My easy recipe is mushrooms, onions, bell peppers into a tomato sauce for pasta.


Been a vegetarian for 5 years now, greek and mediterranean options are really good, but Indian dishes are also a big staple of my diet since there’s so many amazing options. I tend to prefer to make things that don’t try to have a substitute for meat, and were designed just around vegetables. But my partner heavily prefers having simple more American/Finnish style dishes. Apart from beans as a meat substitute, one of the biggest things we found that would make us both happy when cooking was the addition of dried soy.

I feel like there has to be some equivalent to this in the US, it’s like 1/4th the price of ground beef, and you just rehydrate it in a pot on your stove then season to taste, and you use it like a ground beef substitute. This got us back to having normal casserole dishes and the like. Beyond meats and stuff are too expensive and I don’t really like the taste/texture of them since I don’t crave meat, so they’re just kinda too expensive to justify getting.


I always wanted to become vegetarian but I do have a big problem, I have childish taste and I am not able to eat vegetables, except tomatoes and couple of other fresh stuff, I am not able to eat legumes at all for example, I despise them lmao

I tried tofu, seitan and other little bits and I appreciate them but generally the very natural stuff I really do not like them, is a mix of texture and taste that I do not appreciate.

Tried couple of vegan burgers done completely with the bread and everything and the situation was so much better but I cannot eat stuff like that everyday.

Is there a way to get desensitized to veg or is impossible?

I wish it was already possible to eat the synthetic meat, waiting for it like the second come of Jesus to be sold in market at the right price

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I definitely want to check that out. Not vegetarian by any means, but @Albertino if you can’t eat like that every day… try 3-4 days a week. If you can accomplish that regularly, you will reduce your animal intake by around 50%. If health concerns are the reason, as opposed to moral concerns, this reduction will have notable effects. Moderation is something that many people also overlook. Even if you eat meat at every meal, reduce the amount of meat you eat by 25-50% and it will make a difference in your body chemistry. Again, if it’s moral issues then this really won’t help…:rofl:

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So what I do is follow a lot the mediterranean diet (being born in Italy), actually I have meat twice a week usually is chicken and a little beef steak on friday, I have tuna once a week, some bread, mozzarella, cheese and little bits like that, every now and then (would say once or twice a month) I do like a baguette with parma ham, then there is pizza every now and then., I would say that more than meat I eat meat related products like types of milk derivatives.

Mostly if I can be honest, I eat meat mostly when I have “dirty” food, if I fancy a fried chicken (which my man, god damn the day I came to live in London, when I was living in Sardinia I did not even know something like that exist), I do not crave burgers that much except maybe once every 6 months.

I would like to do both for health and morals issues, I see so many vegetarian people that really felt great after stop to eat meat and improve a lot their body, I follow an italian youtuber which is a proper body builder that tried the vegan diet for couple of months and then he decided to keep it as his normal diet, there is also another guy that is body building natural world champion that is vegan, I do have quite many examples of sport people that are having beneficial effect from the vegetarian and vegan diet, would love to do it but the taste of some stuff is really blocking me out

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Been a vegetarian since 1986.