UPDATED///Greg Angel's Tutorial: Sunflower Samurai

Hey there everyone, I updated the tutorial for my first combo. I hope you guys enjoy. If you have any questions then hmu)))

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Very nice trick and tutorial! You combine the perfect amount of slack and tech.
What string did you use?

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it is randomly not loading for me right now so posting so I can find it and watch it later! XD

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I used Type X by YYSL because I am trying to save all of my Epic String Chubby Unicornz for Cal States. And thank you))) I am actually going to refilm it so you don’t have to look at my messy room xD

I am going to be refilling it so you might want to wait for the better version :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry for the double post, but I updated my tutorial.

at 4:10 how do you get the yoyo to go one way and the string to go the other?

When you pop the yoyo up, it will be on the left side of your hand (assuming you are right handed) and you have to hit the string to the right with your left hand and the yoyo should land on the back string. I hope that helps.

I’ll bring your more!

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Thanks fam🙏🏼

That is one beautiful combo. Really well done!

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what a long epic trick. nice tut

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A big thank you to both of you! I really appreciate it)))