I have a DM2 and Protostar ( I’m pretty sure they are regular sized)
I was wondering if my next yoyo should be undersized since I only have full sized yoyos.
Do some people just not like undersized
What are some of the pros & cons of having an undersized yoyo versus a full sized yoyo
Smaller throws, in my experience, tend to tilt a bit faster than regular sized ones. Smaller yo-yos are harder to land tricks on, but they improve said tricks with your regular sized yo-yos.
An undersize yoyo makes learning tricks like chopsticks easier, but when/if you switch back to a normal size yoyo you may have to readjust. Also as stated an undersize yoyo tilts faster then a bigger yoyo
undersize yoyo’s tend to grind very differently the normal-oversize yoyo’s but not in a bad way. Like when you do an IRG the smaller yoyo’s when curl in faster than oversized ones, and they start to tilt quicker on finger grinds in my experience.