Underdog creator goes West , please post your Underdog pics

So I just found out that the great and fantastic Matt Schmidt had gone on to the golden hills. We spoke quite often about his Teflon pan finished throws. He always told me he’d couldn’t remember how they did that! Crap it’s another day first Uncle Dhimi then Matt. I’m going be throwing my Underdog for the rest of the month at least.
God bless you dude. And thanks for everything!


That’s sad. I always assumed he was younger. How old was he?


He was younger, 35, haven’t heard what happened yet, his obit just said it was “unexpected”.

Just talked to him in the last few weeks, he sent me his new Underdog 2. Totally shocked by it…

I took a respite from my year of fixed axle to throw the Underdog 2 last night for Matt :pensive:


So sorry to hear that. Used to see him at MN States and MWR activities.
RIP Matt.



Matt was one of the nicest, well intentioned guys ever.
He only really seemed to be truly happy; when he felt the people around him were happier. He never shorted anybody on a deal. He was a great listener and never hesitated to answer questions or Try to help solve a problem.
When the first Underdog came out; we talked about it. I laughed and told him I never got one. He told me he would send me; his personal Underdog. He didn’t offer to sell it to me. He just wanted to send one to me. He was so proud of his effort; he wanted me to have the experience. I never sent him my address. I have a hard time accepting gifts. And we were both so busy that the thought passed and that was a long long time ago.
I seriously don’t like it when good friends pass away. And it is even tougher when they are half my age(I was 68 yesterday).
I was several days into a severe respiratory virus. My temp was over 102 for 6 days in a row. If I sneezed or coughed; blood would run out of my nose. No urge to eat and could not sleep for beans without sitting up almost choking.
I knew I was sick every minute of the day for a week.
When I heard that Matt died; I forgot I was sick. I didn’t care that I was sick. I didn’t think about the symptoms. I just thought about him and his primary friends and family.
In an instant; the news was a reality check. I will slowly get better and Matt will be gone forever.
I have heard so many old sayings over the years. Just about anything that happens now at my age; I can think of a few that align with the situation.
In this instance there are several. But the only one really sticks out in my mind < > “Whoever said Life was Fair”?

RIP my friend.

From Mo


En Paz - Amado Nervo

Muy cerca de mi ocaso, yo te bendigo, vida,
porque nunca me diste ni esperanza fallida,
ni trabajos injustos, ni pena inmerecida;

porque veo al final de mi rudo camino
que yo fui el arquitecto de mi propio destino;

que si extraje las mieles o la hiel de las cosas,
fue porque en ellas puse hiel o mieles sabrosas:
cuando planté rosales, coseché siempre rosas.

…Cierto, a mis lozanías va a seguir el invierno:
¡mas tú no me dijiste que mayo fuese eterno!

Hallé sin duda largas las noches de mis penas;
mas no me prometiste tan sólo noches buenas;
y en cambio tuve algunas santamente serenas…

Amé, fui amado, el sol acarició mi faz.
¡Vida, nada me debes! ¡Vida, estamos en paz!

Very close to my sunset, I bless you, life,
because you never gave me hope or failed,
no unjust work, no undeserved punishment;

because I see at the end of my rough road
that I was the architect of my own destiny;

that if I extract the honeys or the bile of things,
it was because in them I put bile or tasty honeys:
When I planted rose bushes, I always harvested roses.

… Of Course, from my vigor winter will follow:
But you did not tell me that May was eternal!

I found the nights of my sorrows no doubt long;
but you did not promise me only good nights;
and instead I had some saintly serene …

I loved, I was loved, the sun caressed my face.
Life, you owe me nothing! Life, we are at peace!