Unannounced A-RT Bi-Metal Drop!

I am wondering is the name isnt a clue? Splunkin.
Pumpkin Pie… like the video showed.


I’m not sure if he was swearing for most of it, just put in other yoyo store names


When I messaged a-rt and asking about whether there will be another drop in the future, I mentioned it as “splunkin”. And jensen did not make any correction. So maybe “splunkin” is correct :joy:

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I dont think i guessed any swear words, there also isnt many four letter words in there to begin with. I wouldnt be surprised if there was none.

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I was chatting on FB earlier today with a friend of Jensen’s who asked Jensen, right then and there on the spot, what it was called and Jensen replied that it had no name. It wasn’t Jensen simply being silent and leaving it to speculation. This was his direct statement. It is therefore officially nameless.


While there’s no clue about how’s it plays, we’re talking about the “name”. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Oh I was talking about what twitch had to type to get censored.

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He was just copying directly from the handwritten paper in the picture. The squares are just the redacted, or blacked out, parts in it. He purposely put those squares in

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If you look at their site, its all blacked out like that :slight_smile:

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Gotta give it up to them on mastering the “Boutique Formula” for success.

  • FOMO inducing limited runs
  • Short notice drops
  • Top notch social media

What am I missing?

Are you taking notes
@MarkD @Tobygroberts @ReticNeil Rain City, etc.
*y’all are top class but a-rt is on :fire:


Don’t I need to become a world champ first :thinking:


That would help. Maybe a surprise drop of a small run at $$$? Diffraction 2 is my best mono metal, and was the best value I paid all year. Deserved to sell out in a week, why is it still available? I think there’s some FOMO psychology to how
a-rt & Gsquared approach their drops that make them so successful.

G2 on Instagram: “tomorrow @ 2:00pm limited run of X yoyo available in our shop for 30 minutes”
Me: “OMG I need to be at my PC mashing buttons to get that throw before it sells out I don’t care what color.”


They’ve also been in business for years and have built up large fanbases in that time. Thank you so much for being part of my small fanbase, though. :heart:


This is definitely one important factor! :+1:

And don’t forget they have their own philosophy or character, stick on it, and express on their product and playstyle.


You’re missing the value Jensen / Charles provide In free content and inspiration.


I don’t think so. I follow them on Instagram and enjoy all of there content. I know that’s a HUGE part of the “Formula” for success in the Boutique yo-yo biz.
I’m just pointing out what I perceive to be some of the ingredients to this formula from the consumer viewpoint. And I think some of the smaller brands would stand to benefit to take notes on how the more successful brands are doing things. Not that I want to define success for others But if selling out is a measurement for success, look at G2 and a-rt drops… And the ingredient that is very much under the control of the manufacture is drop size. Limited edition sizes do induce FOMO and yes people will spend $$$ to not miss out. I did, and I’m not usually one to fall for psychological marketing techniques (Not accusing anyone of subliminal marketing) but I think it’s undeniable that the small drops have a psychological effect.


Sure when a brand consistently sells out there is an effect that makes you act quicker to buy and even FOMO.

Drop size isn’t the key. G2 and Art both have drop sizes much larger then all of the other “Boutique Brands”

Even if a brand started to just do drops of 3 units to sell out, that won’t help imo because no ones getting to try the product.

Content and Quality are much larger factors in this than scarcity.


Nameless. Not splunkin. Lol.


Yeah, I think I already covered that… :slight_smile:

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Formulas have several ingredients. I hope the insight you’ve provided is beneficial to the other smaller brands that don’t have the following you do. I’m one of those who not only buys a product but believes in supporting a brand. The aforementioned manufactures I listed are a few that I support. I want to see them succeed and stay around for a long time. I’m not on a mission, but I stand by my initial comment, a-rt has the formula for success (so does G2) and I think others should take notes.