Turning Point St. Elmo vs. Mustang - Looking for help

Looking for a mini review of these two, ONLY if you have owned or played both.

I’ve wanted a Mustang for awhile now, but not wanting to drop $450+ right now, thought a St. Elmo may help me to see if it’s something I’m going to stick with since the specs and shape are real close to each other.

Anyone with experience with both can share their thoughts on how close these two are?



Hi, I’ve owned the mustang for a few weeks now and the St elmo for a bit longer than that. They both play light on the string and are easy to control. Very different feel from the more powerful bimetals designed for speed as opposed to tech. I find the mustang has quite a lot more oomph behind the throw, and of course has better sleep times than the St elmo. Just my 2 cents, I’m by no means an expert on yoyos and am an amateur thrower myself, I got the mustang mainly because of the durability of titanium.