Turning Point Solenoid (detailed)

I couldn't find a single review for the Turning Point Solenoid on any site, and I desperately think it needs one. I tried typing this review last night, but about halfway through a big storm knocked out our power. So... lets try this again!

Read whole review or some parts may seem misleading!

In this review I’ll be comparing the specs to a genesis since most people have had at least some experience with that yoyo. Since the Solenoid is an updated version of the Positron with a few tweaks, I will compare to the Positron as far as play, stability, etc…

Solenoid Specs

Diameter: 56.0mm (same as genesis)
Width: 42.70mm (0.3mm smaller than genesis)
Gap Width: 4.75mm (0.1mm bigger than genesis)
Weight: 67.1g (1.6g less than genesis)
Bearing: Size C (.250 x .500 x .187) (same as genesis)
Response: Turning Point Silicone Response Pads (YYF pads work. Same size as genssis)
Price: $135 - $190


First Impressions
I stayed up until 2:30am this Black Friday waiting for the YYE store to come back up in hopes of snagging myself the very last in-stock purple Turning Point Solenoid. I don’t know if you have ever seen a purple Turning Point yoyo, but it is the most beautiful and attention grabbing shade of purple you can buy. The following picture shows a few of the colors Solenoids come in (the actual colors look a little brighter in person. The picture is a little dark):
(My purple one is the middle row on the left.)

First Day
It had a unique feel. It fit in my hand very nice. More comfortable than my positron, perhaps because of the extra grove added to the shape. It was very smooth, string layers can stack up before the spin slows down, and it was super stable (I personally think it’s more stable than my positron). As with other turning point yoyos, you have to break in the response system before it will play to full performance. The response pads slightly jut out of the groves and touch the string, causing a smaller sleep time. However, I was recently informed this can be avoided with thin IrPads. After a couple hours, the pads broke in and the yoyo played more amazing than I had hoped. The first day left a very good impression.

Response System
The response system in Turning Point yoyos confuses some people. It uses the same response pads as most yoyofactories (genesis, protostar, 888, etc…) but they must be broken in to get max performance. The response pads stick out a little bit and brush the string when the yoyo is thrown. The pads even out within about an hour or two of use, but it is still worth noting that the sleep time drops dramatically when new pads are inserted. The Solenoid can bust out about 40-50 seconds of intense/high-speed play with new pads. After a few hours of play, the response pads will fully break in. Once the pads are broken in, you can easily get over a minute on a normal throw. I’ve even gotten a 2+ minute combo out of it with pretty intense tricks throughout the whole thing. I’ve been informed that thin IrPads are perfectly sized and do not need broken in; however, I haven’t buoght any to try this out yet.

Comfort Level
The feel of a yoyo varies for every player. But to me, the Solenoid felt very comfortable in the hand. Probably the most comfortable yoyo I’ve ever used. My finger fits right into the little grove they added to the shape.

The Solenoid plays in a very unique way. It’s really hard to desrcibe. It sleeps for a slightly shorter time than my Positron (just a few seconds) but it also feels a bit heavier on the string and more stable. I personally find horizontals easy and consistent with the Solenoid. It stays controlled and balanced.
Stability on the Solenoid is amazing. You can go as fast as you want, do 3D tricks, horiztonals, whatever it may be. The Solenoid will stay balanced and at whatever angle you need it at.
Although the Solenoid feels heavier on the string that what it really weighs, it can still play fast or slow. The light weight with a heavier feel almost gives a floaty feel while it plays fast. It’s an interesting and memorable feel. Personally, I love the unique way it plays more than any other yoyo I’ve used.

The Solenoid is capable of taking a beating. Mine has a few scratches on it, as it should because I’ve hit it on the ground more times than I can count. The Solenoid can typically take a hit to the floor without getting damaged. I have hit the floor with mine a lot. And hard. The Solenoid is strong and does not fall apart. Like any other yoyo, the paint will scratch if you hit it hard, but I’m yet to leave a mark I can feel. It’s taken a hits to metal belt buckles, the ceiling, hard floors, and even a brick wall. Hasn’t been chipped yet. Either I’m very lucky or this is a very durable yoyo. Not just the Solenoid, but every yoyo by Turning Point is built to last (most likely because Kentaro specializes in 3A).

All this text is probably getting boring so here’s a picture of it unscrewed:

Final Thoughts
The $150 I paid for my Solenoid was completely worth it. 2 years ago, I would have never imagined spending over $120 on a yoyo. I got what I paid for with the Solenoid. Personally, I think the Solenoid is better than both the Levithan series and the Positron. The Solenoid replaced my Positron as my main competition yoyo and I plan to get another in the future. I wouldn’t trade the Solenoid for anything, even with the damage I’ve done to it. I recommend it to everyone. It’s a simply amazing and unique yoyo.

PM me or mention below if there’s anything I left out that you want to know about or want me to add. There was a video of the Solenoid I was going to add but it appears to be gone. I might try to make one in the near future to show how it plays.

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