Turning Point ASTer VS MSG

I am soon going to buy a yoyo, I love the shape of the MSG but I’m wondering if the difference between the ASTer and the MSG are different enough to justify the extra cash. Is the ASTer better than them MSG? Is the ASTer as good as people say? Is it true that the ASTer maintains the power of the MSG but with more maneuverability? Thanks a lot for the help :slight_smile:


I would say the ASTer does maintain some of the MSGs power, while being more maneuverable. I’ve thrown both and they’re quite different. I personally like the ASTer a bit more, but many of the higher level tech players I know love the MSG because of the reluctance to move, citing that it gives them more control, and they outnumber me. They’re both easily S tier yoyos, pick the one you think you’d like more. MSG is a tank that spins forever and gives you those nice controlled movements while the ASTer is a bit easier to move but lacks some of the presence that the MSG has.


I had both and preferred the MSG because it has that classic TP heavy throw feel.


Yeah, this is the complaint that people have about the ASTer and Palp ES, I love both personally but they definitely aren’t classic ‘tp heavy’.


Both are great. I’d recommend the ASTer for someone who doesn’t have other TP yoyos. I think most people would prefer the playfeel and maneuverability of the ASTer if they aren’t specifically into heavy throws. When it comes to heavyweight TPs though, the MSG is as good as it gets. The power and control you get are crazy, without it being too much. I prefer the MSG personally.

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ah, aight i really wanna try that tp heavy feel so im probably gonna yolo on the msg, i wanna try something real different.
Thanks a lot!