Tryin to start a yo-yo club in the Dallas-fort worth area

Thank you so much for looking into this Andre! You’re right, Texas is huge, and Abilene might be a bit far for sure. That said, we’ve been getting in contact with some previous members of Lone Star Spinners which used to be a very active yoyo club in Dallas and we’re trying to get something going again. Once we do, we would love to reach out and work with you on the starter supplies especially as the group grows, thank you for your generosity and support! Stay tuned y’all!

For now, I’ve talked with the Grapevine Library last week and there’s potential to meet there since Lone Star Spinners previously met there, but I haven’t heard back from them on their decision yet. In the meantime I’m leaning towards reserving a room at my city’s community rec center to meet for the time being while we determine the best meeting location. I’d love to get a meet or two in before the holidays and will keep y’all posted as progress is made. Thanks for your patience and help!