
Can someone help me out by naming all the tricks in this video , i’ll be much appreciated :slight_smile:

Here’s how i name tricks.
1.Pick up your favorite dictionary
2. Drop the dictionary on its spine
3. Blindly point to a word on the page
4. After viewing the word, write down it and the next two words that instantly pop into your head
5. That is your trick name

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(First word I got was Pin-Up Side Kick)

-Hope I helped!

Nonono you guys get it all wrong. What i meant wqs can you gúy tell me the name ò all the tricks that are shown in the videos

  1. Forward Clutch Pop
  2. Cyclone
  3. Spherical
    4.Reposition Rotation
  4. Suns Whip

Thanks you Higgenz ;D