Tricks that derive off of 1.5 mount?

Tricks like Mcbride roller coaster and one by Raytsh on youtube, what are similar tricks like that?

Off the top of my head Kwijibo, and Ladder Escape is derives off the 1.5 mount. Kwijibo doesn’t exactly HIT that mount during the whole move itself, just in the middle of doing the move you end up in a Kwijibo position, just your hands are crossed at some point. I’m pretty sure ladder escape touches the 1.5 mount. not positive

Ladder escape does not touch a 1.5. Hourglass begins as a 1.5. Revolutions. Buddhas revenge. Kwyjibo hits a 1.5 mount with your arms crossed.

If anything. just make stuff up.

i agree… its hard to get started trying to think of your own combos and trix, but when you’re done its your own original work… its part of what makes a pro a pro

bringing it back:



White Bhudda/Hourglass/And Whut?

infinity repeater

and what?