Trick-a-Week 2025- #11 Spirit Bomb

Damn this one is really pushing me outta my comfort zone. Don’t expect a video from me soon but by the end of the week I’ll have this :muscle:


I just started to work through week 1 and week 2 coincidentally is the last trick I finally landed a few weeks ago (but still isn’t fully smooth). How do you set up that last landing so you don’t have to fiddle with the mount before flipping the slack down?


Just put your nth thumb over the string coming off your yoyo finger and kinda pull it back. Once you let the slack go, it will open up naturally between where the string is on nth index and nth thumb. You kinda get used to pulling back with the thumb and eventually wont need to think abt it. Heres a vid. First one is with a pinch and second one is using tension only no pinch. The thumb technique works the same way w both. Hopefully that answers your question but if its still not clear, ask for more advice fr


Cool, I’ll try that. I’ve been trying to orient my palm face up during the catch (when your hand goes into the 2nd to last slack) so I can flip the final slack down, but it looks like you can do it with palm kind of facing right.


for me it almost felt like as long as you aren’t starting palm down, its more important how you do the movement as you flip your hand over, like a little exaggerated. also @digitalcharlie pointed out, if you give it a little hop right before the whip it helps.


you got this yo!


If you could send a video on here on how you’re doing it I could try giving some tips, I also got a discord server in the link of my vid too where I help people try to figure out my tricks on there too


Thanks. I will try to do that, though finding time to yoyo is hard enough let alone filming and posting - but I do want to see if there’s advice on getting the last step smooth like the videos above from Digital Charlie and others.

This one’s been tough and three months of tips from people at the local club and that video from Diego B didn’t really help until one person noticed I was passing my hand under the yoyo (trying to just hop the yoyo and I didn’t even realize I was doing it) and then I was finally able to grind it out and get it to click, but like a lot of tricks, the grace is elusive. I’m always having to wriggle my hand and move the string before I do that last wrist turn to flip the slack over and down.

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Imma keep it a buck, it took me a loooooot of tries to get it looking as good as it did in the clip haha. It’s a lot of muscle memory type of stuff imo yk?

Have you tried the easier (but very similar version) you can do as a repeater from an undermount? I found doing that a bunch helped me get the whole thing smooth because the one at the end of super charger really is just a harder version of that. Basically, getting smooth with an easier version helped me get much smoother with a harder variation.


plus it looks slick lol :sunglasses:

Is that what GTD Henry was doing in the video above?

its in the dropdown box way the end of the original trick video post


I’m struggling with getting the last slack/whip to have enough momentum to go around my whole hand. Anyone got any tips for that??


oh almost forgot this tip: when i do a nrml brother slack, i try to make the slack part as big as possible. but that makes, in this trick, the double strings you intercept very short. when you set up for the brother slack part, just before you set it in motion, let the yo slide down in the mount just a tad by bringing your nth closer to your th, and that will make the double string part lengthen slightly and is an easier target to hit. it will also set up for a good sized whip loop. as you get the feel you dont have to do this as much but i found it helpful in the beginning.


really concentrate on

A. flipping your nth face up to face down, exaggerate if necessary

B. also make sure you pull your th back and toward you like a ripcord. that’ll accelerate the loop

if you can post or dm an attempt that might help with more specific tips


I haven’t tried the trick yet cause I ve been busy. I will get to it tomorrow. HOWEVER, just by looking at all those videos I can give you a tip. Imagine you ate doing a beef hook. Try to isolate the slight movement you do with your non throw hand before rolling the yoyo so the other side. It is a subtle movement that puts tension on the string by pulling the string “backwards”, or towards the non throw hand side. ( The yoyo rolls to other side and thus the tension is created and the yoyo has more momentum).

Now back to the trick. You have yo so the same movement but this time with the throw hand and you have to push to the throw hand side instead of pulling towards the non throw hand. Dunno if this helps or if this is even remotely true but those are my two cents. I will try the trick tomorrow though.



2/2 so far


this one is a little more difficult for sure and i hope no one gets discouraged. keep at it, be patient with yourself and if you need a good laugh ill be glad to send you my raw footage of that trick…holy heck some of those takes felt like i was in a cartoon tying myself up with the string :face_with_hand_over_mouth: knots to baffle the mind!

just remember, its about the journey not the destination and as long as you keep at it, even if you don’t get the full trick, you will learn elements and techniques that you may not even realize are helping you

just felt like a little motivation over coffee :nerd_face: hope yall are having a great weekend and happy throwing :call_me_hand::v::vulcan_salute:


Well said @Splizacular. I had a goal to do every TaW last year, but I fell way short… but I learned a heck of a lot even in my failures, and I’m still working on some tricks from 2023… I’m thrilled to see such a great turnout so far (this IS the best thread on the YYE after all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)… remember that having fun is whole reason we do this…


A little late but looking forward to joining as much as I can this year. Here’s my TaW #1