Trick-a-Week 2025- #11 Spirit Bomb

Every Friday we’ll be posting a tutorial in this thread for us all to learn over the next week. It helps to view this thread not as a rush to learn a single tutorial every week, but instead to be exposed to and attempt a new trick every week. The idea is that you’ll be able to take away some new elements and ideas from each tutorial to add to your trick repertoire, and you can revisit any past weeks as you desire. Take as much time as you need on single “week.” Please share when you’re struggling with a trick and want some potential advice! We’re all learning these tricks together, helping and motivating each other is a core part of this thread. Feel free to remix or rework each trick as you see fit.

Posting videos is absolutely not required, but we’d all love to see your progress each week. It’s more fun to share your trick victories with others. Be proud when you finally land the trick you’ve been working hard to learn. Record a video and show it off to the world, because we’re all just as stoked on your success! So we’d like to encourage everybody to at least attempt stepping outside of their comfort zone to film their tricks.

This list will be updated every week with the new tutorial, so please reference this post if you missed a week or want to revisit a trick.

Week 1 Slash Gerbil
Week 2 Supercharger
Week 3 Takeshi Bounce
Week 4 Zack Gormley’s Underpass Combo
Week 5 Chop Suey
Week 6 ADHD
Week 7 Uptown Bounce
Week 8 Pancake Flip
Week 9 Bao Duy Slack Triangle
Week 10 Lotus Bloom
Week 11 Spirit Bomb

If you’d like to make suggestions for tutorials to use in the thread, please send them via DM to any of the T-a-W crew that maintains this thread: @digitalcharlie, @Splizacular

A Note for Lefties
Most of the tutorials we use will be originally made for right handed people. If y’all open up the YouTube videos we use in another tab and replace “YouTube” with “mirrorthevideo”, this will flip the video so that it appears like it was made for y’all. Sorry y’all have to take this extra step!

And lastly is a shoutout to @MoonageMin and @twitch77 for kickstarting this thread five years ago! You can find the previous threads here:

TAW 2020
TAW 2021
TAW 2022
TAW 2023
TAW 2024


Week 1- Slash Gerbil

First trick of the year is going to be this one from yoyowen. It’s got a couple basic elements put together in a simple but flashy combo. As always, please reach out if you’re having trouble with an element either in this thread or reaching out to @digitalcharlie or @Splizacular directly.

Notes from Charlie:

Notes on the trick:

  1. This trick is built on a gerbil skeleton without the rolls, so this is also a great chance to refine a pretty core trick.


  1. Gerbil or nothing by Doc Pop

  2. Looking for more inspiration? Nate Martsolf did a remix contest a few years back, and some of the takes are pretty neat. Classic Trick Remix (March)-SUBMIT HERE! - #65 by GoYoYuRu

Good luck, have fun, and happy 2025!!


here’s my go


TaW 2025! Let’s gooooooooo!


Let’s go!!!


Happy new year all! Excited to join in this year, here’s my attempt where I definitely didn’t mess up the slack :sweat_smile:


One thing for this year: we’re planning to include some classic tricks as well as some slightly easier ones throughout the year (usually the first week of the month) — and really want to encourage folks who feel like they have it down to try some variations/make up their own. For this one, I would love to see someone put together a black gerbil (aka black hops x gerbil).

I tried putting double gerbil at the front of the trick, and really enjoy how well it just flows into the second half. Revolutions is here because I generally struggle with it, so I’m taking every chance I can to throw it in places.


great job and so awesome to have you along this year. we have some fun stuff planned like themes and combo building!! :call_me_hand:


Looking forward to it!


Let’s go!


Woah dude, you didn’t need to show off that much.

i think i can learn that sweet gt move from the brother trapeze , gotta work on that. the rest is pretty foundational for me, i modify skin the gerbil in my combos constantly, cuz its like one of the only tricks i know, lol.


heck yea ur over halfway there! you got this :call_me_hand:

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Smt like this

Shoutout to y’all keeping it going and bless y’all!



I mean you’re a very skilled yoyoer.

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yay glad ur joining us des! i like ur bind. that was a flashy finish


@digitalcharlie inspired me to put some revolutions in here as that’s an element I haven’t really worked on, and it fits in the trick so perfectly. Trying to learn more tricks this year!

Got the stall but missed the sky bind, lol