Trick-a-Week 2025- #11 Spirit Bomb

Very nice. I like the revolutions in this trick too. I’ve not been able to get revolutions yet. The yo-yo always goes out of control.


You know what? Fine. I’ll try to do the TaW this year.

Here is my submission. It could have been cleaner but here it is:


Took me ages to get them down. I found doing it from the slack in loopsidaisy helped me as there is a cross in the string which helps stop the yoyo falling out and going all over the place.


I’m gonna make an effort to post more. Here is just a basic take. I’ll keep playing with the concept.


Here is my submission. I’ve been following for a couple months now and decided to start posting this year. Thanks for organizing this.


nice! welcome and great to have you!

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bro whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!

nice! you flipped it horizontal!!!

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Looking great!! Thanks for joining. :blush:

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Sorry i couldn’t partake last year, was a bit of a intense one starting a new job and all. Looking forward to trying to keep up with you guys this year.
This will be the 2nd year of the Lynbrook Yo-Yo club, we will be meeting the 2nd Sat of the month in the Lynbrook Library. If you know anyone in the Long Island NY area please pass on the word. Free yoyo for anyone that comes for the first time!

Heres my video for this week.


When is the next trick?

Tomorrow! Tricks drop Fridays, usually in the morning.


Nice trick:


Excited to join in on TAW! First one and just made it under the wire.


Week 2 Supercharger

Happy Friday everyone! Hope yall had a good week! This week we’re going to be working on Supercharger.

Now, the hardest part of this trick is the whip at the end. It can be tough to get the feel for, so be patient with yourself. Here’s a tut specifically adressing whip technique.

And here’s the trick from another angle

Jake doesn’t do it in the yotricks video, but you can see in both Diego B’s and Sleeper’s videos that you can make the whip easier by pinching in two places — with your NTH thumb and with your NTH index finger.

If you’re looking for something easier

If you’re having trouble with the whip and want an easier version to learn first:

Try doing this version from an undermount. It’s a little easier, but the motion is the same. In this version, the loop to start the whip is around your middle finger instead of your index, and instead of being on two strings you are just on one (though you can do it on two as you can see at the end of the video). It’s also setup so you can do it as a repeater to get that motion of hop/flip/pull down
Whip-Album on Imgur

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re having trouble.

Have fun and have a great weekend everyone!


my turn


I really like all the elements of this trick. Versions of this whip show up a lot for me - if you’re having trouble with it, definitely record a few attempts and post them, I’d love to help trouble shoot.


Ayy thanks for having my tut on here! I hope it can help everyone out!

Edit: figured I’d mention that there’s a left handed pov in it too for all you left handed throwers!


thanks for taking the time to make so many great tuts!


Yo I like this trick and think this might have been the first tension hook I learned like when I first learned the trick way back when. I tossed in some other stuff I been vibing w at the end for fun.


i like the additions, nicely done!

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