Trick-a-Week 2024—#43 Yuuki Slack

Sick Trick! Can someone recommend some similar ones?


Candy Rain 3 has a ton of that rolling and plucking and dropping string stuff going on.

You can also check out all the other tuts by bb26. He’s got a bunch of tricks kinda like that one, very elegant and simple in concept but harder ish to execute .


This is 100% what I was thinking about doing the trick. Enough that I was thinking about doing it for next week’s TAW, though I think it’s a decent step up in difficulty.


What is that little sequence you’re doing before the trick?

Lol it’s a good trick! Pretty long though for so many repetitive moves. I struggled to remember the whole thing when I learned it and definitely do not remember the whole thing anymore hah!

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@GTDropKnot Thank you! I will check those out :fire:
@digitalcharlie It is from this clip, 0:40 - 0:44


Week 43–Yuuki Slack

Doing another classic this week that feels like a good one to trade tips and feedback on. It’s definitely tough, but there are a lot of tutorials that offer a good variety of helpful pointers.


Still working on getting consistent enough to land 3 in a row regularly, but here’s where I’m starting the week:


I am getting so tired of this YouTube Bot message. I sign in on the app and on the website and the stupid thing still continues to tell me to sign in. :roll_eyes:

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I love this trick!!


I’ve been loosely trying to get this for several months now. This is the motivation I need to hammer down and finally get it (hopefully). This is such a cool looking trick.


oh nooooo one of my banes! ok ok I’m gonna get it. this week is gonna be the week :muscle:


Aight some tips are just focus on the two slack catches when the direction changes. One way is pretty forgiving, then you go back to double or nothing and that one I pay a bit more attention to the catch and direction change. When you swing into the don, just try to swing so the slack stays in the gap towards the outside. Then be ready to catch and bounce and change directions.


I used to have trouble with this when I was a kid because I didn’t realize you literally just pinch the string to create the first slack of the repeater portion lol

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Also focus on maintaining a constant speed for fluidity while swinging the yoyo fast enough for the slacks to stay open.

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