Trick-a-Week 2024—#43 Yuuki Slack

I think the tut is also really good! Sometimes it can be hard to figure out what the crucial steps to getting a trick easier are, even with a nice pov


Thanks @GTDropKnot and @rickyyR for the videos and suggestions. I’m able to slowly get through most of it (except the dismount). I think what is frustrating me the most is that I’m starting to feel my age. Muscle memory is taking sooo much longer to kick in than when I was younger, reflexes are noticeably slower, etc. Thanks again for all your help and listening to my existential yoyo crisis :rofl:.


Lolol I feel you and feel free to vent/ talk out loud/ share your thoughts or whatever whenever you want here hah! Ngl…I like that it bumps the thread :shushing_face: good luck yo and let us know if the dismount continues to give you problems


I just wanna echo the thanks to yall as well as others. You’re all so quick to jump in and help and even record when needed which at least for me has been an amazing help as I’ve set out on this little journey of ours. Big respect and lotsa thanks :blush: :pray:


Week 24 - Perpetuum

This week’s trick is simple, looks cool, and is a little tougher than it might look at first because it invites snags.

Here are some tips about not snagging in general from @EOS44:

  • Make sure your yoyo bearing isn’t already scratchy and snaggy
  • Manage how taut the string is during the whole trick

Here’s my take - I’m working on getting it more vertical and the pinwheel smaller.


Addictive repeater!




This one made me feel like a noob lol. Thank you for posting it! Gets me out of the comfort zone. I’ll Definitely practice it until it’s smooth.



Looking good so far!

I worked on this all week, but I need a few thousand more reps. I appreciated that it was simple enough to learn the steps, but I am still working on getting that smooth movement from the pinwheel onto the string.


I was feeling good about this until I saw myself on film. Need to work on making the pinwheel look better


That’s really close! You just need to do the slide he is showing at 1:08 in the tutorial. Try to keep your string really taut by keeping your hands apart and avoid creating slack between your hands. The dismount and hitting the string will be much easier if you are closer to your TH index.


I took a chunk off the back of my throw hand yesterday trying to get the slide smooth. I’ll get there, no risk no reward


Good to see lots of participation this past week!


Week 25 — Toya Kobayashi Triangle Trick

Yoooo! This week we have a super fun trick with lots of good yocabulary baked in. This trick is also has a some easy ways to modify it, if the trick is a bit beyond your grasp at the moment. The trick starts with a double hook (Iwasawa Hook) but can also be done out of a regular Hidemasa Hook as an option. Y’all can also just work on the double hook. A double hook is not much harder than normal Hidemasa Hook so don’t be too intimidated if that element is new to you. If y’all do not know classic Hidemasa Hook (1.0), yo, now is the time! There is no prerequisites to being able to do that element besides being able to throw a breakaway sleeper and it’s one of the elements I feel more comfortable teaching people so please, ask any and all questions you have! As always, have fun and good luck!!!

Double Hook Tutorial

Hidemasa Hook Tutorial


Alright here is the trick! It took me forever to figure out how to not have a huge long pause between releasing the slack and pinwheeling the yoyo into the slack. Like the slack kept following the yoyo and wasn’t working right. I went back to the tutorial and watched Toya do it some more and realized that they both move the yoyo with nth to the outside when they release the slack and adding the momentum to the slack in that direction before pinwheeling the yoyo around helps keep the slack from following the yoyo so that the yoyo can come around and kabink nicely into the string! Still might work on the trick more but I was happy to figure that out.


Dude it’s so cool!!


Thanks for including some easier options and offering to help!

I am learning the single hook. When I land it about every 5-10 attempts, I try the next part with the elbow. But I keep ending up with the yoyo on top of the string with a twist by my finger instead of on the underside to swing it back on top. Do you think I’m doing the hook wrong or missing something from the next part?


Yocabulary words :metal:


Great hidemasa hook tutorial. I think i have it, sometimes lol I’ll see how far i can get on this one