Trick-a-Week 2024—#43 Yuuki Slack

When you do the hook you should unroll one time and then be in an undermount. I would just focus on the hook part and make sure that is all cooking well so you can unroll and then bind or do whatever else. For the arm part, you’re just kind of pulling a string out of the gap and the Yoyo should then fall down. It’s hard to diagnose exactly without a video but if you you do the 1.0 hook and roll around nth, you should be in an undermount and that’s how your know everything is working correctly.

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Ok i feel like im doing this right since it looks and binds like an undermount and my consistency is getting decent


That was sick

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Yep nailed it!

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Thanks, that helps. (Though I am embarrassed how long it took me to realize what “nth” meant.) I think I am on the right track with the hook. And I see what you mean about pulling the string out of the gap after watching the tutorial super slow.

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Ooops that’s my fault I should have been more clear instead of only abbreviating and seriously nothing to be embarrassed about I didn’t know what it meant until someone told me.

Here is a museum worthy drawing (jk) that might help really lock in the hook. You want to whip so that you’re whipping from a little bit behind the Yoyo and you’ll see a U shape of string from the bearing to your throwhand (TH). Then cross nonthrowhand (NTH) index over both segments of that U shape w the index on the outside as close as you can manage to the Yoyo.

Dotted line is nth index.

I’ll make a slow mo video about the arm dismount a bit later and I think I can point out some stuff that will help make it even more clear. I’ve been traveling and busy this weekend but I think I can make a vid to help.


Also i notice i occasionally end up with a trapeze but a twist on my nth finger which seems to be a result of whipping the loop henry is talking about around the front half of the yoyo instead of the half closest to me. At least thats what it looks like is happening


Here is a vid where I try to show more about the dismount. The arm is actually not that important, it’s that you’re bringing the Yoyo around throwhand to undo that wrap around the bearing


While i try to get the hang of the double hook if i trythe arm wrap from a single hook do i just roll off once instead of twice?

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Thanks! The picture is good and the video is super helpful.

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Yeah exactly just unroll once


Fun trick - terrible upload


Im slowly getting it, but i think i need a longer string. It takes most of my string to wrap around my elbow like that and im a big guy so i start feeling like im about to hog tie myself on the pull arm out step :laughing:


I’m having the same issue… my T-rex arms and arm combos don’t always get along…


Okay so I’m not the best at arm stuff like this either but a couple tips that helped me is to push your elbow forward like towards the center line of your body and to mount the Yoyo close to your finger. Also move nth closer to th. Basically you want your arms closer. It is definitely awkward but feels less and less awkward the more you play with the element.

Also, y’all can definitely just try longer string to get more comfortable like there is nothing wrong with that and once it feels a less weird and uncomfortable, return to your typical length.


back to back weeks of family time, so not as smooth as I’d like but just glad I got a chance to record.

The thing that unlocked consistency with this trick for me was remembering to stick my NTH middle finger out during the dismount so the string goes around it when mounting. Maybe that’s obvious but I definitely wasn’t doing it at first.


I tried 2.0 for this and could land a few but not consistent. I don‘t like practicing hooks. They are like way too tedious to learn for what they are and i never even use 1.0 :smile:


Week 26—Gondola

Yo this week we have another @DocPop trick! It’s a simple yet very cool and very very well named trick, Gondola. Great to add to the end of a combo. Have fun and good luck!