Trick-a-Week 2023 - #52 - Control Workshop

Okay cool just checking long day lol. The one thing for me that helps is making sure the yoyo stays in motion and is swinging pretty close to TH bc then, even if you don’t get the proportions perfect, you still have a big enough slack loop to swing over and catch the yoyo with. Also double check to make sure you got the pinch with TH thumb pinched tight.


I’ll keep that in mind and work on it. Already I got the timing a little better just from your video where you catch the whip as it swings back to your right, I was trying to whip it as the yoyo swung back to the left because I was going too slow.


any tips for landing the beginning chopsticks trapeze?


I learned that part from Doc Pop’s Chum Bucket video. I’m mostly working on 3A right now but I’ll do some trick a weeks soon^tm


The only thing I’ve noticed is that popping the string off your hand after the throw like docpop says in the video helps also I have to tell myself not to loop too far out away from me. String tension being loose is a big factor in all of this trick as well. I was getting dizzy and having to take breaks swinging my head back and forth so much practicing that mount today.


There are some good tips from the doc in that chum bucket video. I would also say you want throw hand to form a nice big C shape and you’ll have more space than if you straighten the hand out too much and into an L shape. Try to pull the Yoyo up and towards your hand in a nice smooth movement so the string doesn’t squiggle out of the way. I also don’t really focus on hitting the back string like the doc says but instead I focus on cutting the thumb into the string right under the Yoyo. This has been working for me to land it pretty consistently. Also I would avoid loose string tension and aim for perfectly neutral bc having any twists wanting to form in the string will make that part harder, as well and the slack later in the trick.


kabam eclipse special trick circle


Got caught up and didn’t have much time to practice yesterday but I got this clip this morning before I headed off. Definitely going to keep working on this really fun repeater.


The whole show or yo-yo thing is real weird when your camera is far away / up high.


I recorded two clips for the past two weeks since I’ve been only playing 4A lately (it is offstring october after all, pls play 4A :pleading_face: )

Here’s weeks 40 and 41 combined into a brand new trick. Tower of the End or something you could call it.

And here’s weeks 40 and 41 just presented as a single combo.


working on past TaW stuff in my free time, finally got white buddha ft my cat :saluting_face:


Week 42: Green Triangle 3D Slack Spin

Rewind posted a simpler version of this as a daily tutorial which made me want to pick this for the week. 3D slack rotations are always super cool, and this is a relatively simple one. It also follows Andrew Bergen’s old quote that yoyo players love slacks that go around twice (it’s true).

(trick + tutorial starts at 1:10)

Here’s Rewind’s variation of the trick that only does one revolution of the slack instead of two.


Here’s my clip for the week. Slack spins like this are some of the coolest looking tricks imo.


That was seriously one of the best tutorials I’ve ever seen. I wish more were formatted like that!

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I keep forgetting to post these on Thursday


Which one was your jam? The rewind one or the slushny one?

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Slushny for sure

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forgot to post this but i’m FINALLY wearing my black shirt hehe


@mable’s spinning beginning made me want to… do more spinning.

I’m still pretty wild with my movements, I need to remember my hands/string tension do more than my arms.