Trick-a-Week 2023 - #52 - Control Workshop

the two ones from the weird double or nothing, idk what to call it, the first one where you throw it under your hand and catch a thumb is fun and down


Make sure tension is neutral 1st of all. Also check out how I’m turning my wrist over. This makes it way way harder to miss. It’s not necessary but definitely gives a ton more flexibility in the timing you can release the pinch otherwise you need to release the pinch with pretty specific timing.

I’m assuming your problem is you’re missing the gap. If it’s something else lemme know.


Only things I’d add: it helps to use the hand you’re not catching with to pull a little. It helps a lot with getting it to move around fast enough / have enough tension.

You can also use some of the info in this video from Diego b about supercharger whip. It’s not 1:1 but it might help.


ohhh so you’re not even pinching it with the TH you’re just swinging and tilting ??

update it’s bc of the mount :stuck_out_tongue: still having trouble swinging it and missinh


When I do it for real I do a half pinch between index and middle with NTH. No pinches with TH. I used the thumb here also to make it easier while slow. You can totally use the thumb fast tho, whatever is more comfortable for you. But yeah swing and tilt is the main bit. You can also use the tension from the weight of the Yoyo to help move the string around. I use super whippy strings so I don’t really need to throw it around at all, just the tension of the string is enough for me when I’m going faster. What problem are you running into exactly?

Edit: lol okay we doing edits now. Okay so try to just focus on the front string. That’s the one that pops around and hits the gap. Just try to keep that straight. Using the tension to help pop the string around will help keep it lined up as well. It’s kinda funky at first but you’ll get the feel for it. Holler if you’re still having trouble though. Also try to be cool and relaxed bc it’s easy to tense up and throw it out of line so nice and relaxed and it goes swoop!


One thing that helped me was to stop trying to maneuver the string with my throw hand. But to follow the natural path it wants to take them using my NTH as has been shown here to “move” the string where it needs to be.

Edit: I have zero idea of what I’m saying makes sense lol


TaW, late night edition. This trick is so fun, definitely something I’ll continue to work on and make smoother :+1:


right after i liked the post i hit the full trick for the first time with no slip ups, thanks for the luck :saluting_face:


got it with one (1) mistake before midnight, calling this a success :saluting_face:


Just got to this part last night too and was having some issues. This video helps a bunch. Is it just a flick or is there tension involved?

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Ummm you can do it with just tension or throw it around more. Both ways work and neither is really right or wrong imo because you get the same trick. I find that I miss less if I just use tension because it’s easier to keep it lined up right. Do whatever is more comfortable for you and you’re having more success with

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Week 40EOS44’s Hop Tower Trick
Yo this week we are going to learn a simple and cool hop tower trick by friend to all yoyoers and king of level headed takes — @EOS44 !!!

Feel free to add whatever additional elements you want to this weeks trick bc it is a shorter trick this week. I’m also going to plug EOS44’s Try Not to Snag Challenge for an additional video to check out bc I think it is just a really fun and interesting challenge! Good luck all and have fun!


Here’s my hop tower!


i know this one!!! i can do it pretty flawlessly, i’ll get a video when i can

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yooooo lets goooooo


i swear i’m not late


Nice pick! I do this tower from a D.O.N. never thought of it from a sub mount and the Flashy snap is so :fire: :ok_hand: :100: :heart_eyes:

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i like to just pull the tower instead of spinning it, idk why, just seems sillier to me


Spinning it gets you extra swizzle swagger style points :smile:

but i didn’t do that part either:


A cool variant that doesn’t have a cross arm to it is just rolling onto the front string of the sub-mount rollover instead.

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