Trick-a-Week 2023 - #52 - Control Workshop

Thumbs are good for the extra space and I haven’t tried the knees bouncing technique yet but generally, I like to keep soft knees. Nice trick!


no proof but i just hit my first full black hop :tada::tada::tada: time for the perfection grind


So idk if it’s just me, but I’ve had success hitting black hops more consistently and in rhythm with a slightly smaller yoyo. Soon as I switched to the Reboot it was like a different ballgame lol


For sure. Ever since I stripped my valley using the recognition is alot more tough. I thought I had black hops down alot better when I had my valley.

I recently realized going into the 3rd hop to prevent landing on multiple strings you can grab the prior strings while its in the air. It was a weird technique that I just kinda started doing tonight and made it alot easier. Not sure if it’s bad form or anything like that though. I am finally getting through the back half like 75% of the time when not chaining the front half together.

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Whatever works! Also @LeftyThrower24 i definitely think using less wide yo-yos makes it easier because it’s easier to not land on multiple strings! I’m a big proponent of using what ever Yoyo is easier to learn a trick with at first and then when you get comfortable you can try it on all your yo-yos.


Week #37—Flashy Bouncy GT

Hope everyone’s having a good day! This week we’re going to learn a simpler trick that you’ve probably seen done by one of yo-yos big content creators. It’s this upside down flashy bouncy GT! I think this trick feels good and isn’t quite so difficult so have fun with it!


Here’s my flashy bouncy Gt


YoyoJoe1 is probably my favorite tut person in the community, if it were up to me we’d be doing one of his videos every other week. :joy: Nah but seriously this is a fun one and kind of addicting when you get it down


I been messing with this weeks trick for awhile. I’m not the best at bouncing on the string but I think I can swing it solid. Did you ever see mel hops? I can’t do that one as of the last time I tried awhile ago but the way Brian Melford does it looks so cool. Looks like hes holding a controller or something with the yoyo bouncing on the string. It reminds me of this trick kinda.


Nah I haven’t seen that yet but I’ll check it out!

Also history note of the day is that this trick first appeared in this freestyle —


I was able to try this for about half an hour this morning…so many knots. :sweat_smile:

My humble submission:


I added a video of it to my post just now

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This legitimately looks like magic to me. I see how it’s done, I understand it, and I am telling you it’s definitely magic.


For anyone struggling with the yo-yo binding during bounce, two (normal) tips. One, keep tension in the formation. It’s easy to forget because it’s not a speed trick but it goes a long way. Two, fresh strings help a lot, especially if your yo-yo is snaggy at all.

I mean, also string tension, but I hate calling that a tip.


I like the little history lesson with the trick too! Never woulda guessed it was done that long ago, seems a little more modern and meta


Black Hops

Bouncy GT

I just kinda treat the bouncy GT as a vertical boing. Give the string tension to pop it up, then give it slack to let the yoyo go high up, then give it tension again when it comes down. I’m not really a fan of the trick though, I just kinda don’t like how it looks. Even when yoyojoe does it I’m just sorted mixed on it.


Haven’t even been on the forum for 24 hours and already posted in the TaW thread :handshake::goat:


I’m just trying to walk that fine line between ‘active member’ and ‘utter embarrassment’ :grimacing::grimacing::sweat_smile:


this is a nice break from black hops! practicing it right now, any help for not getting a messy gt? i do everything, drape the string over, hop, and when i land it it lands in a weird twisted gt where i have to turn my whole body around or a snap gt


Keep your hands lined up and pull apart to get the Yoyo to go up vs like moving it up bc you’ll be less likely to move them out of alignment and fall off the trapeze like that. That twist happens if you miss the trapeze on the way down. Just make sure they stay lined up well.

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