Trick-a-Week 2023 - #52 - Control Workshop

If you ever see me posting TaW clips and it seems like I make every trick look like it took minimal effort for me, know that I actively haven’t posted Black Hops this week despite thinking about it because I really struggle with this trick. It’s just not something I enjoy practicing, and Black Hops really demands having a good level of control and comfort during the trick.


after about 50 knots i finally understand spirit bomb :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Let’s goooo told you it’d click!

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I like to do them the other way around.

That way there’s a build up with hops and a dismount with hops. Makes more sense than starting off with the finished mount followed with a descend and a subsequent ascend only to dismount again. :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice! There is something funky about going to trapeze and back. I think my favorite flow is Blacks from 2004 world with the double on when he gets to trapeze. I’m going to leave it here in case anyone is curious.

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It actually kinda does make more sense that way lol, ending with the dismount to trapeze does look better and more complete so to speak

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practicing spirit bomb more and i noticed i get a weird double string wrap on the second half when i land it in the triangle, any idea why? still dismounts though


That’s just how the trick is. You’re doing it right if it’s like that so you’re good!

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nice! just confused me since sometimes i land it without it

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If you land without it, something went wrong earlier in the trick. Nothing to worry about either way like if you can get out without a knot, that’s good! Just know that if you hit everything properly, you get that extra wrap. :call_me_hand:


Black hops! Those undercuts are each more difficult than the last! Still a lil messy but I can land it. I feel like I have better control with my thumb in there so I do it.


the thumb part is smart, nice innovating


Thanks! It was kinda just what came natural!

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Had no idea you were a lefty until this very moment… I think my brain just naturally assumes everyone else is a righty and that’s what my eyes see too lol. Cuz like I know I’ve watched other vids of yours in this thread and never noticed :rofl:

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Yup even us lefties are constantly discovering each-other’s left-handedness! :joy:


I been going to work on black hops the past couple nights. Man I’ve filmed myself missing the last one so many times. I’ve never really gave this trick my full attention giving it a bunch of attempts over and over because it can be super frustrating at times. I needed a break. Hopefully in the next couple days I can put this trick behind me and at least be like 25% of the time with it.

edit; I just did the second half a bunch of times slow. I think I should of been doing that til I got it down solid. Felt like I was making progress.


Nice! This is one of the rare tricks in Yoyo where you can pause at each step individually to make sure you’re set up right and ready for the next step. I definitely recommend going super slow, especially for the last hop, before trying to speed it up or go at a consistent rhythm. Nice work!

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Thanks. Yeah for sure. I just was trying fast cause I can get through the front pretty quick and the first few in the back pretty quick. I have to remind myself to stop and go slow with tricks sometimes when I keep messing up. Sometimes it doesnt cross my mind in the heat of the moment for some reason ha.

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Deceptively difficult and filming usually takes a couple of attempts but here we go.


Which do you think is more help: thumbs or bouncing at the knees along with the yo-yo?