Trick-a-Week 2023 - #52 - Control Workshop

I’m not sure that’s the thing I was trying to sort out that looks wrong… but I can also feel a difference focusing on that, so thank you!

So it took me a second to figure this out but yeah I go around at the same time as I roll on for the last time and then It feels like the timing lines up better for the unrolls. It looks like Mable and gentry and mrmatio(fast version) all do it like that as well so I think that’s the flow to aim for but I’m still like not fast at this yet. Imma get there but I’ve been focusing on getting it smoother and making sure I have zero pauses.

I think it’s a problem of only watching the slow motion version and not then watching how it goes at speed and adjusting. Here’s the versions back to back. Not smooth or fast yet but I think you can see the difference.


Yeah 100% agree this looks way smoother and is such a good example to show this too.

Tutorials not showing the in between the creators super fast final version and the slow element by element version is a pet peeve of mine. Sometimes it’s just annoying to have to figure it out on my own like okay uhhh I learned all the moves but this looks so ridiculously different.

Still playing catch up this week obv, but here’s my White Buddha! When I was like 12 or so, for whatever reason White Buddha seemed like one of those super daunting tricks, maybe cause it was in the “Master” level section here on the tutorial part of YYE. But finally learning it over a decade later, it’s actually pretty easy - the elements are really basic, it’s just pretty much all in the execution. Using Klondike of course. Here it is:


Started workin on the gentry combo yesterday. Stopped for now after the first hop. I get tangled sometimes in that part before where you take the string off one side and take it to the other. Gonna move onto the next part tonight.

Quick question for you guys. That part i’m talking about in the beginning where you move the string from the one side to the other when you get to the other side do you twist your hand palm up or palm down after moving the string? I just noticed he does his palm up. I just tried his way and I think going palm down is easier but I’m also going really slow right now. Not sure if it matters besides maybe going faster or not messing it up as much so it got me curious. Heres a screenshot of where I mean:

I got to the twist arms and untwist hops now but this part is really slowing me down.


Pretty proud of undoing a lot of muscle memory around the beginning and end pieces. Feels like solid progress and I’m excited to drill it more.


Nah it matters you gotta turn the hand that way for the unrolls part like after/as you go hand over hand or you have a twist and can’t go to kamikaze clean


This is about as far as I got w this. I think it’s a big improvement from my vid earlier this week and I’m super happy to get it where it is. Imma keep at it tho bc there is def still work to do.


Thanks. Yeah Im starting to realize while trying both that palm up sets it up a lot easier. It seems to even make the hop after the kami easier for some reason. Just felt unnatural to me at first.

Yours is looking great. It’s such a long combo. I just been practicing up to the part where you twist and untwist your arms doing the hops. I haven’t even watched the rest of the tutorial so I’m not even sure how much further I got to go. Judging from your video it looks like a bit more ha.

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Week 34
This is going to be the last challenging week for a while, but again, definitely give this a shot. It’s a really cool picture trick of a star that transforms into a red triangle. This is a trick by Kentaro Mannen aka BeefBowler26.

Picture tricks are always fun, and stars feel so rare to see compared to towers. So if you want to learn a two handed star, here you go. I recorded a supplemental video to give a more overhead view of the trick, but please let me know if you’re confused about any of the steps. It’s a short and simple trick, but some of the string transitions can be a little ambiguous when you don’t know exactly how the trick works.


Very rare angle for me to film at but wanted to show off the star from a front-facing perspective.


Last week: I guess I should shorten my string to make this a little easier.

This week: I guess I should lengthen my string to make this a little easier.

Also: I don’t usually love picture tricks but apparently I’m into double hand stars. This is a fun change of pace.


Switched up the flow a bit but cool trick! I like stars


I have trouble with these tutorials that only show from the front. Who want to record a slow-mo POV? Haha! Thanks in advance.


Click the video options button on imgur videos and you can change the playback speed to slow it down. If you don’t have that visible, right click on the video and make sure “show all controls” is enabled.

Hopefully this helps, I tried to point out all the strings you want to move to or pluck.


I needed something like this too so thank you!

Did you get a GoPro or something at some point or did you DIY that overhead view? Cuz that’s hard to do I feel like :joy:


I just used the ultra wide angle lens on my phone and stood right up against my tripod and reached around it to yoyo. It’s kind of awkward because it’s right in the line of sight of my hands so I had to play off of the viewfinder on my phone LOL.

Bonus pic of my cats that you can see in my clip :slight_smile:


Here is another angle with me trying to highlight the steps idk maybe more angles and vids might help!


Awesome!! Thank you so much. Perfect.

Not sure how you guys picked up on all that from the first tut. Well done.

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