Trick-a-Week 2023 - #52 - Control Workshop

While working on this I decided I’d rather make up my own speed combo to grind to Godspeed but here’s gentry’s combo at not Godspeed


I’ve been having way too much fun with this week, this combo just feels so fun to do and this is so different from how I normally play yoyo.

I swapped to a neon yellow string and got a small buff to my speed stat.


Dang I saw this and realized I missed a tiny part of the combo and it messed up my flow. This looks sick. I really enjoy the thumb pluck to houdini element. Just feels good!

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Impressive that you have the majority of it down already though. This one is gonna take me some time, not necessarily because anything is super hard, I just can’t learn and more importantly remember elements that fast lol. With longer tuts like this I have to break them down a lot and practice certain parts awhile for muscle memory to kick in


Thanks! I didn’t really have to learn anything new for this one just remember the cross arm hops part and rearrange stuff I know already. You’re gonna get it just hit it part by part and when you get to the Houdini mount that’s a decent spot to start from to learn the back half. Good luck!

If these elements are new to you definitely just take your time to really learn and get comfortable with them. They’re really common elements in general, not just for rail combos, so like @GTdropknot said, they basically just had to rearrange elements they already knew to get Gentry’s combo.

Remembering combos like this definitely gets easier once you’ve got all the transitions down, because at that point the only thing you’re really remembering is the general mount you’re headed to next, and the transitions comes naturally. So remembering this entire trick is really just remembering 3-4 total basic mounts in order, and those transitions you don’t even think about. Not because they’re muscle memory, but because it just makes sense that these transitions would be the easiest/fastest way to get to the next mount you want to go to.


Yeah like I’ve literally done all these moves in other tricks before I just hadn’t done the hop part in a while. I find myself focusing on when the next direction change is going to happen with the mount bc that’s where I’m prone to pause the most but maybe that’s bc of hades too idk I tried this with a bunch of yo-yos and I couldn’t go faster w other yo-yos either I would just lose control easier. I had fun comparing them. Super fun trick maybe I will just see how fast I can get it bc then I don’t need to be creative yet. Hmmm


Tips for smoothing / connecting are VERY welcome - planning to work on it throughout the week.

Felt liked doing a starting point on this one. Lots of familiar elements like people have said but this is a good chance to understand smoothing them out and connecting them better (especially going from that part just after Houdini into the last bit). Planning to post another late next week with where I get to. Already fun to see progress because I remember thinking this was unachievable like a year ago and this was after an hour or two.

Also, finally remembered dark clothing. Now I just need to yo-yo in front of myself :person_facepalming:


This is really good! I don’t really think there’s any tips at this point other than just practice through repetition. You look super comfortable with every step in your clip.


Okay yeah this makes more sense, it isn’t really so much the learning elements it’s the remembering what’s next and the transitions because it’s a longer combo. I just watch for awhile and find a good stopping point and practice that part of the trick for awhile, etc etc. Looks more complicated full speed because it’s Gentry Stein doing it, but Matio’s tuts are so good in depth I’m having no issues so far

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That’s how I approached it. Everything up to Houdini, Houdini to just before the rotation-y thing, that through the end (or breaking at the last kamikaze).


It took me a couple months to get consistent and solid with the “yotricks beginner speed combo” but it seems like that is the foundation for most rail combos.


Yeah, that video is great. Everything in Gentry’s speed combo is just a slightly more difficult version of the same concept. Just bouncing back and forth between the same handful of mounts while always keeping the yoyo mounted on a string. So the whole formation kind of stays on the same string/plane, kind of like it’s riding along a rail, hence the name rail combo.


Thought I’d give this combo a whirl. Just got through it for the first time. I quite like it. It’s a little more complicated than the previous speedcombo I’d learned. But it has some neat ways to transfer between mounts that I didn’t know yet. So I’m pretty happy with this.

Will be practising it the next couple of days to get smoother


Alright. First attempt putting it to video:


Looks awesome!!!

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In trying to smooth it out I’m still finding something in these parts looks off (basically beginning and end — the video is doing the end a few times then the beginning). Is it just timing the rotation during them? Am I skipping something? It’s seemed weird the whole time I’ve known the elements but never filmed it to ask for help before.


It looks like you’re kind of swinging the entire formation to get the yoyo to move around? If you keep all the strings in the formation taut you should be able to move the yoyo just by pressing into the strings away from your body.

That might help you smooth it out?


What’s your string length? Have you tried a shorter string yet? It looks like you might be having to reach pretty far around for these moves but I don’t know really… Shorter string has definitely been helpful for me to try to push the speed and keep control and just felt less awkward. If you look at some of the fastest players, they use pretty short strings or artificially shorten them by adding wraps. I’m no expert at all though

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I’ll definitely try a shorter string.

I’m also seeing something clearer in momentum changes - like part way through rotating you throw the yo-yo towards your nth (~4-5 seconds in your video), which I’m not doing. It looks like I rotate farther around so I’m moving back towards my throw hand before making the next move (22-23 in my video).

Which… maybe now that I see it I can try to get the timing down?