Trick-a-Week 2023 - #52 - Control Workshop

Yup, that looks right to me.

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This is one of the big reasons why I also think learning reverse bee sting before regular bee sting can be beneficial. This entire combo is just doing a basic reverse bee stings from various mounts. I feel like it’s easier to build your own combos and come up with stuff when you’ve got reverse bee sting in your arsenal. It feels like a more versatile element.


:exploding_head: hah awesome! I wasn’t ready for all those zones that was sick!

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I forgot to find this earlier lol but that switch was sick


Janky af but I got reverse beesting!

Going to try and get it smoother and go from reverse beesting to beesting :muscle:t5:


Quac Anh 5a May #4
This trick was cool bc it was all moves in my yocabulary already, but with 5a slang I had to adjust to. I tweaked the opening to make it easier for me and I think it looks just as cool hitting the DoN first.


Just wanna say I’m having a blast with this weeks trick. Idk if it’s because I got it down semi quick (especially for me) or what but I like it. It’s great CW control practice and it just looks cool done fluently. I’ll post sometime this week when I got it down a little smoother :+1:


Man I was so excited to post this and the more I watched it and rewatched the tut, I realized I think I’m doing sone of the CW transitions wrong.:man_facepalming:t2: But whatever this variation is, I landed on cam so let’s roll with it. Also forgot to pinwheel first (bad habit from going straight in to the mount during practice) so let’s just pretend I did that too lol.


This is going to be the last week of 5A tutorials for the month. I hope you’ve had fun slinging a counterweight around all May.

For newer players: Meltdown. An essential concept to learn.

For more advanced players: Sawchucks, a classic double pinwheel variation.


Nice one :clap: calling my name haha


Sick! Very excited to figure out the meltdown! I love these aerial moves and learning aerial beesting helped me lock in the regular beestings bc I got the flip over the hand pretty quick but kept missing the gap except when I did the aerial. When I removed my hand and went for the aerial, it would always line up good bc of physics lol That had me realize that I was moving the string across the back of my hand unconsciously and bad and that’s why I kept missing the gap. I think ppl working on the bee sting should try that aerial variation if anyone is having the problem of missing the gap after the move to the other side hand motion w beestings.

I concede to this adv sawchuck move until I get better w doing the fundamentals consistently like I got too many steps to get consistent before I will be able to do all that…probably will try it anyway though bc that’s kinda the point of TaW! Trying stuff and getting exposed to new stuff and all that!




Is meltdown that specific trick or the aerial concept where it unwraps as you swing it around and switch the finger or both a specific trick and a concept?

Also how do I get the yo-yo to stay closer to TH after the second aerial? I’ve been using nth to catch it like in the vid and leaned into that bc I thought it looked and felt cool but I can’t get the control right off that second aerial and it’s bugging me now. Can’t tell if it’s my finger position or when In the rotation I’m releasing or both.


Meltdown is more of just a concept. Meltdown jumps are always aerials, meltdown switches can be aerials, but don’t have to be. You can meltdown from whatever mount you want, with whatever hand you want, from any position. It’s best to not view Miggy’s combo as like “meltdown the trick”, but more a general transition you can always use. Just like reverse bee sting.

The only tip I have is to just do it more, sorry. There’s so many variables at play. String length, string segment length, weight/size/shape of the counterweight, the amount of force you pull up with, the point of the cw rotation where you pull up, the force you rotate the entire mount around with. Just do it more and find out what works for you.

Here’s an example of a meltdown jump vs meltdown switch from a normal 1.5 mount. And then just a random way you can use a meltdown as a transition (in this instance to exit from underneath the leg). If you want more ideas you could refrain from catching the counterweight and go another revolution and do a somersault. Or you could rebound the counterweight and reverse the direction of everything. It’s really up to you to just explore and see what you like doing, and what technique works best for you


Hah no need to be sorry I get this answer and totally know what you mean. It feels like I locked in the timing to toss it to that side and now I have a bad Yoyo habit to break or something similar. You always got the dopest answers bc they come w tricks too hah! Thank you


With 5A May winding down, it’s back to 1A. Here’s a classic Paul trick that hasn’t really had a super clear video/tutorial that I know of until now. Enjoy the flow.


Yes!!! Can’t wait to learn this one!!!


Pretty sloppy but I only landed this a couple times and this was the cleanest take I got.

Stock FH1with kitty normal. I wanted to hit this on a fully responsive setup like what Paul and others would’ve used back then. Getting the yoyo to not respond during the undercut to brother and the slackicide on this setup is rough.


Heck ya this is exactly what I was thinking of doing, perfect little combo for the fh1