Trick-a-Week 2023 - #52 - Control Workshop

Thanks for doing this!!


Does a long string help land this trick more? I think I can semi-consistently get to part two but my hands are like clapped basically. I’ve got annoyingly big hands(all palms though) so these wraps are adding up maybe, or Im swiping too far from the yo. I keep going back to the tut and I’m fairly certain I’ve got it right…curious to see if anyone else feels like their hands are real close at the start of part two…also wondering if anyone changes their string length for certain TaWs…I had been trying to get used to more “normal” length string but a lot these guys in the tuts seem like the string is as tall as them…can’t tell if it’s better to try to figure it out with an average length string or just go longer

Edit: Put on the regular length kitty uncut with the finger loop set for max length and now sent the trick to the landed column so that did help learn it…probably could go a few inches shorter and still get it once I get more comfy with it…I’ll see how clean I can get it by Thursday…


Yeah long string definitely helps to learn it, learning a bunch of Yuta Kashiwaya’s tricks is actually why I originally lengthened my string. I’ve since greatly shortened it, but long string was great for learning.

I saw Alann say this in the CLYW discord but “create on long, refine on short” in regard to string length. I def think this can be a useful approach to learning as well, learn on longer, and then get it smooth on shorter string.


The formation before the first slack loop is pretty dense. This can definitely make good use of a long string.


Work big, make small

This resonates through many manipulation/flow arts. Sound advice.


Tried this a few times this morning and it was feeling pretty consistent…decided to film it and check it off for now because I want to check out the other ostrich trick tuts…also today is 4 months since I ordered my first unresponsive yo and I’m feeling pretty good about how far I’ve come and excited by how far there is to go…

Edit-I shorted myself on how cool those slacks can look but y’all get the idea…definitely room for growth…Also I reread what I wrote and to clarify—I wasn’t trying to say I’m good at yoyo or anything, I only brought up when I started because I feel like the worst player in the community and don’t want y’all to trash me (don’t want to be gassed up either)…super fun trick all in all!


You earned being excited, your progress for the amount of time you’ve been yoyoing is awesome. Ostrich Trick tutorials are definitely geared towards advanced players and you just knocked one out, you should definitely be pumped up about that tbh.


I did have some very good assistance so thank you! The trick a week has been such a fantastic help to show me what’s out there and also push my self so thank you and all the mods and @MoonageMin and @twitch77 for starting this off. This thread was what made me want to quit lurking and join the forum and I like the accountability of posting the vid a week.


Friday bump yeahhh


@AKYOYOMIKE @Mystik @ryanmcg @ANGVS @mable

Sensing some impatience :joy:

I respect the grind and hustle you all have in this thread. Bright and early on a Friday ready for that TaW to drop lol

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Friday is nearly over for @Kray

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True I always forget about our friends across the ponds, I’m in it to win it this week though I got some time to learn finally

Okay, might not be in it to win it this week this one’s a little outta my league still but I’ll give it a go either way

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y’all better be patient or imma start only dropping 3A tutorials in here each week

Honestly though, the other people running this are sorta busy with their own personal lives, and I’ve been entirely focused improving my 4A/5A, so the 1A centric T-a-W thread has been very secondary for me.

I’ll try to be better about keeping it consistent in the future. I was intending to remind the others about trick selection on Thursday… but I thought yesterday was Wednesday… oops.

For this week here’s an original trick from a friend of mine, a cool little techy DGT.


Me after about the 5th pinnnnngggggg off my yo-yos from trying to learn something 3a



Nobody will complain about the lingering scent of cigarettes after they get a waft of the wonderful aroma of burning anodization from 3A contact.

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Sorry I was impatient I was trying to reply to kray w the ats to add on because I do know it’s like night whereever he is or w/e but I was also being thirsty thank you for taking the helm while everyone else is busy w life I’m down for 3a but I’ll have to use different yo-yos hope that’s cool prolly about to goof w it any when I get a chance cuz I never tried it yet and I gotta know the smell

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Was not meant to be inpatient… :worried:
Was just happy it is Friday.


Apologies if I sounded annoyed/aggressive, I was intending for that to be said in a joking context, but text doesn’t convey it super well (and it wasn’t particularly funny to begin with).

Yeah though, it actually has been my fault for late updates because I haven’t been good about being on top of keeping organization straight while everybody else is busy with real life commitments. You can absolutely feel free to clown on me for not knowing what day of the week it was lol.

Anyway I just learned the trick and I definitely want to mess with the initial mount more. Loum is so good at finding cool mounts. If I’m ever stuck on making a trick, I’ll just ask him to come up with a mount for me to work from.