Trick-a-Week 2023 - #52 - Control Workshop

But the bit that is sliding shut, I’m not pinching at all. Hence I think I might be doing the stage before wrong.

Let me have a play around and I’ll report back.

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This is incredibly helpful thank you! I just played around with it for a little while and I think I’ve finally got it figured out. I just got to get it smooth and not spaz out. Woo!

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Alright alright alright! I think I finally got it all! I probably should have just waited to post any vids…but what can I say? I’m still in the honeymoon phase of my yoyo journey and overly enthusiastic.


Well done.

I still can’t crack the last bit at all. Can’t get the string formation right to then do the slack swing.

Really frustrating.

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Couple examples showing where it goes wrong (excuse the Batman PJs).

I’m finding when I let the slack off my thumb, the slack slides from the ‘knot formation’, not from where I’m pinching.


Thanks good luck maybe check that screenshot @Kray posted again like if you do that part with the hand up to down, you can try to find the string with the yoyos weight on it and that one sticks to your finger and the other ones roll over and off. like there is the segment that is like three together because of the way the strings looping around, then the good one, and then the one going around your nth thumb goes around the good one and under. This probably isn’t helpful because it’s so unclear but maybe it will help. Just try to get that loop or roll right before the pinch and grab the one that feels easiest to grab. It took me forever to find the right string also make sure the pinches are tight like @mable said i noticed that when it was falling right away, it was because my pinch wasnt tight enough on my nth

Yes really hard to see where this goes wrong, but hey you found a tower :smile:
Just a wild guess but I think it is already wrong before the inward roll.

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okay so I don’t know what’s happening in practice 1 but I’m pretty sure that is right in practice 2 but I cant tell, you can try to put your hands closer together after you pinch when you release that will help get you some extra slack drooping and maybe try to keep the proportions weighted more to the thumb because for some reason the proportions matter

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Ok, before you do the slack swing, if you just let you slack drop do you finish in a trapeze position?

No it should just hang under

Probably not explained myself well… I mean drop the slack and the formation on your throw hand.

Yes so if you drop the strings off your throw hand index and the slack loop on the nth thumb you go right to trapeze

That’s what I’m getting (most of the time), so in the right formation at least.

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So, I think I’ve got it :grin:

Turns out I wasn’t pulling the right string through to make the formation. As such, the slack string was holding the formation, so when I let it go, it was releasing the formation and sliding the slack shut.

Got it 90% down, just need to tidy up the slack swing and getting the strings off my index finger to make the formation.

EDIT: Not the cleanest, but got an attempt on camera (ignore the wrong string correction…).


Week #13 - Knee Shot

Happy Friday! This week is a fun, flashy knee triangle


Nice a bit dancing on the weekend :joy:


Cool trick, I feel like I don’t see leg/knee tricks done that often? I know I don’t do them lol


Nice. Got this one down quite quickly, just need to minimise the tilt I’m getting when I’m trying to get the slack into position.


Been trying out the gt cross arms suicide…regretting my screen name…fun trick. I thought I wouldn’t be into the knee element at all but I like it now. You can bend the trajectory in interesting ways. This is why I like the TaW…I probably never would have tried this trick if I seen it scrolling YouTube tutorials.


Just if it wasn’t apparent from the video, drop catches like this are waaaay easier if you don’t treat them like a normal suicide. Before you release it, drape the string segment over your arm, so when you remove your hand from the segment it’ll have additional hang time from needing to slide off your arm.