ToyToyToy on Britain Got Talent

Just the thought of yo-yos in the olympics but at the same time wrestling almost got cut from the Olympics makes me feel like the people that run it smoke crack lol and I cringe at whoever is making these decisions. That said I wish yo-yo worlds made tv or something. I wouldn’t watch it but it is a shame not enough people know about modern yo-yos and how cool they are

if people who throw don’t watch it , who would?

Pretty sure a lot of people on the forum do… Just because I don’t doesn’t mean you can make a broad generalization… And even if they don’t I don’t care my point is yoyo doesn’t belong in Olympics it needs it’s own lane. Most don’t even know what a modern yo-yo can do… yo-yo is super niche. Would be nice to see worlds end up somewhere else but YouTube though…

this is my broader point. its not popular enough to become part of that corruption at the IOC, they can’t profit from it , even though they corrupt.

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I wasn’t the one who said it should be in the Olympics… In fact I don’t watch it at all. I still think they could probably afford to put more into it regardless :p…