
Those are nice! You sir ,have a talent.

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Time and templatesā€¦ xD

Just 1ccā€™d Imperishable Night on Normal. It feels a little cheap starting with 7 lives, but still, itā€™s my first 1cc, and at least it unlocks stage 6 for practice. Plus I played pretty badly in a few places, so Iā€™m feeling fairly confident to go at it again with 5 lives. Oh, and I have zero reservations about bombing. Iā€™d have no chance without those.

Did you get that Flandre papercraft done, Trace? What you had done before looked really cool.

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Just finished her today.

Also very nice, I hope to finish EotSD soon.

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Thatā€™s awesome. Very nice work. And good luck with EoSD. I find that one to be harder than IN.

Yeah hope that my papercrafts will cheer me to victory.

[Reimu is much taller :smiley: ]

Paper! I love it!

Seems like a more boring version of Blackhawk Striker.

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You should try it sometime itā€™s actually really fun and in terms of difficulty itā€™s pretty hard to find anything near it.

Also have any of you ever played Ikaruga?

Iā€™ve never played Ikaruga (and donā€™t have any of the consoles itā€™s been released for), but I have seen a play-through of it. The polarity mechanic looks pretty interesting. Iā€™ve actually never played any shmups besides Touhou.

Just looked up Blackhawk Striker; it looks quite a bit different from Touhou other than both being shmups.

New record. :slight_smile:

I just came reeaaaally close to beating Perfect Cherry Blossom. I have to say itā€™s a lot easier than the one before it, at least on normal. I really love the attack patterns though.

Ok, beat it on the fourth try with three continuesā€¦ (A lot of dumb mistakes there)

Just beat PCB (and remembered to get a snapshot of my result screen this time). I installed in on my Mac to have something to play when not on Windows, which is most of the time since most of my programs are on my Mac partition. Itā€™s kind of finicky to get it running with Wineskin, but once it starts up, it usually runs fine.

I was surprised I ended up doing better at this game than IN. One thing about playing primarily IN is it messes up your bomb timing for the other games because of the Last Spell system. Between that, IN having the spell practice mode to help learn spell cards, and IN letting you start with up to 7 lives, I would have thought PCB would have been harder.

One thing I like about PCB is that I think it has interesting player character balancing. All three characters have good advantages and disadvantages for different play styles. I was back and forth a lot with ReimuB and MarisaB before settling on SakuyaA as my best fit.

Yeah I have only one problem running touhou on Wine [Linux] and thatā€™s for EotSD on full screen it goes up to 70 FPS even when capped. =/ PCB works prefect for me at the moment.

Also Reimu ā€œBā€ for life.

Thatā€™s a bummer about the frame rate on EoSD.

I did a ReimuB run after clearing with Sakuya and got to Yuyuko with decent resources (I think I had about 5 lives and maybe 1 bomb), but then did terribly against her and lost. I like her as well, but SakuyaAā€™s aimed shots really help with all the attacks Yuyuko has that force you to stream or otherwise go to the side. Plus the extra bomb helps when youā€™re not that confident against her attacks. Iā€™m going to try to clear with ReimuB next, though, and then maybe with MarisaB.

Do it! I got to get back into it because itā€™s been a little while, I think I want to beat EotSD first.

All right, got it cleared with ReimuB. Did a little worse than with Sakuya, but still finished with 2 lives and 1 bomb. Even though I didnā€™t capture any of Yuyukoā€™s cards this time (they are much longer without the aimed shots), I think I played better against her and got through some of them using only a broken border. Now itā€™s just Marisa left (plus the other shot types for each character, but I am much worse with those and doubt Iā€™ll do that).

I agree with yoyofoot that PCB is a lot easier than EoSD, though I havenā€™t played EoSD in a while. Especially if you are still trying to no-bomb run it, the borders in PCB can really help. Plus seeing your hit-box while focusing, and probably easier patterns overall. You might want to try relaxing your no-bomb restriction (if you are still doing that) to just bosses, and use bombs to help with item gathering during stages. It helps a lot when you are trying to hit the point/item thresholds for extra lives.

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Nice, good luck on Marisa sheā€™s hard to play [For me at least].

PCB is a easier 'cause you get so many more lives I feel. Hit box doesnā€™t seem to help me 'cause I can never look at my character or I die. xD

I may lax up on no bombs but itā€™s hard to when Iā€™m making good progress without them.

I definitely agreeā€¦ I almost only use bombs for collecting items, not so much for enemies.