Toru0.999 newcolor?

Looks like toru0.999
And it’s a great color!
I think there was an onslaught similar to this released before.


Big bomb right here. Very curious

Finally they drop that perfect color. Been waiting for months, now they need to do the same with savage


Oooh very nice! I’ve been eyeing the Toru 0.999 for a while and having a colour other than silver available is a big plus. Idk how I’ll be able to resist it now. Hopefully they send some to EU stores.

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The previous toru0.999 had a corrosive paint job, which was unfortunate, but this time the color is very nice!
I did not expect a new color to come to the toru series.
The contrast between the silver of the aluminum, the silver of the stainless steel, and the silver of the pom is especially beautiful.


Yeah true, love 0.999 but the finish is really disappointing. But that shiny silver is lowkey signature of Toru line that they should make earlier.

Gotta save up some fund for that and upcoming Unprld one

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what do you mean by this? i’ve never seen a 0.999 in person but i always assumed it was just clear anodized.

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The finish does not last and wear out fast, which is not great under high humidity.
If Toru 0.9 and 0.99 clear annodize wear out slightly after months of intensive play, the 0.999 only takes weeks.

I assume that’s the 0.999 in the middle and bottom right. Looks like maybe a restock/new colours for the Savage as well.

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