Top Ten most ground breaking yoyos.

I figured since I started this forum I should post mine also. In no particular order, 888, 401k, Bapezilla, The first yoyo lol, M1 already as stated a great yoyo for a great price, Dark Magic very versatile for such an affordable price, Grind Machine, FH1, Renegade and the First balled bearing yoyo.

The FH/FH2, G5, and Lyn Fury are among the more influential designs I can think of, simply due to the fact that the FH/FH2 are just monumental throws for their time (And still are, IMO.), The G5 helped get YoYoFactory on the map, (And showed that they could do other things than their FAST line) and the Lyn Fury is still my Main Throw today, thanks to the smooth as a baby’s bottom Celicon and how easy it is to mod one of those babies.

Nowadays, it seems like everybody’s just chugging out metal after metal, they all have the same shapes, they all weigh roughly the same, and they’ve all got Flowable Silicone. I wonder if we’ll deviate from this trend anytime soon.