Top 10 Favorite Yoyoers Thread

For what it’s worth you are certainly “paying it forward” though with what some of us take from watching you. :slight_smile:

I’ll not make a list of 10 but if I did you’d be on the list.

(In no particular order)

  1. Andre Boulay. everybody knows he is the bomb.

  2. Tomas Bubak. first yoyo pro i ever saw. still love his style.

  3. Graeme Steller. nobody. I repeat. nobody. makes videos like Graeme.

  4. Kentaro Kimura. 3A legend.

  5. Steve Brown. just for his legendary AP performance.

  6. Ed Haponik. for obvious reasons.

  7. Marcus Koh. My favorite speed yoyoer.

  8. Yuuki Spencer. for giving hubstacks a good name and for being boss.

  9. I have to put Tessa Piccillo on the list for being the best female yoyoer ever.

  10. Iskandar Shah. Greatest. 5A. Player. period.

Biser Luckrich man! Get with it.


Zach Gormley
Graeme Steller
Coleman Weimer
Jensen Kimmet
Tessa Piccillo
Ben Conde
Michael Kurti
Chase Hadden
Everyone I’ve seen on the forum
my dad

Jason Lee
Guy Wright
Zach Gormley
Ewelina Wejner
Adam Brewster
Boyd Seth
Hiroyuki Suzuki
Gentry Stein

In order:
Zach Gormley
Graeme Steller
Marcus Koh
Jensen Kimmitt
Isaac Sams
Gentry Stein
Hiroyuki Suzuki
Andrew Maider
Michael Kurti
Harrison Lee

yeah. nobody makes videos like Graeme Steller.

  1. Dylan Benharris
    En of list :slight_smile: