Tom Kuhn Appreciation thread

My mistake, looks like some pine I’ve seen but I’m not an expert, a sweet yo-yo regardless

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I agree it’s got that look for sure


Here’s one I’ve never seen posted before. This was a prototype for the 10th Anniversary of Tom Kuhn and BC (2005). The body appears nearly identical to the RD2 shape with a color slightly darker than a TK Sixty. Embossed leather caps stating “10th Anniversary” “Special 2005 Edition” with BC in the center. TK limited edition engravings inside. And no, I have not dared remove the leather caps to see what’s under. I suspect this was a trial for the Territory Ahead Roller Woody release with the leather caps (though that release used a Roller Woody body).


Obviously I’m enjoying playing with the new SB-X from Tom Kuhn, but not in the traditional manner.

Here’s the TK-mini X. :crazy_face:


That is just FABULOUS!!!

I have a No Jive that belonged to Stuart Crump (actually had the pair but traded one away :man_facepalming:), it’s walnut with the normal No Jive stamps. Or at least Stuart thought they were walnut.


That looks like walnut. I know in the late 80s Tom Kuhn offered Clean Machine Walnut No Jives, but I’ve never actually seen one. Until you posted this, I’d only seen Walnut Diamond Specials.


That’s awesome, first I’ve heard of Walnut Clean Machines!


I think I also have one of these Walnut No-Jives in my collection. I’ll pull it out and try to get some pics - unlike Maple, walnut tends to get lighter as it ages. I have both a dark and a light walnut diamond special for comparison.

I’ve never heard of a walnut clean machine! That would be pretty cool.


I would not have imagined this combo, must feel like throwing a cocktail jigger around!

Absolutely loving my forst TK yoyo
She’s beautiful


CSOG Musical Shenanigans - Advertising No-Jive. I’ve got the story to share on this one. Both sides feature the same printing. No branding anywhere on the yo-yo and the inside is blank (like the 25th Anniv. white butterfly No-Jive also released in 2003). This also has the first appearance of any printing on the hex nut, see the note overlay. The Big-Yo commemorative of 2004 had the ultimate printing of the photo, but I understood from Brad C. that it was incredibly difficult to do.

So why would this yo-yo have been made? Turns out that CSOG is the “Chattanooga Symphony & Opera Guild” and Musical Shenanigans was their fundraiser event for 2003. Ok, so why the yo-yo? It featured The Smothers Brothers Show as special guests. From the News article:

"The Chattanooga Symphony & Opera Guild’s annual fundraising event presents Musical Shenanigans featuring the CSO Orchestra and Robert Bernhardt, conductor on Saturday, April 5, at the Chattanooga Convention & Trade Center. It will star Tom and ■■■■ - The Smothers Brothers Show with special guest The Yo Yo Man and Michael Preddy, music director.

Officials said, “The evening is full of shenanigans, surprises, an auction, and loads of fun beginning with a CSO Youth Orchestra performance, followed by the Choo Choo Kids, caricatures of guests by a local artist, and a specially created dinner representing funny anecdotes of The Smothers Brothers that has become synonymous with the word shenanigans.”

Musical Shenanigans is chaired by Pat and Tim Ford who said, “We are very excited to be part of an organization that brings wonderful music to our city, superb entertainment, and now a performance with The Smothers Brothers.”

… There you go, a perfect explanation for an unlikely ad yo-yo. I do not know how many were made, but few have ever surfaced. I bought this from Brad C. in 2012 when they were finding some random old stock.


Love it! I’ve always wondered about that one! I virtually never see them!


Wait… This site censors D_i_c_k’s name?

I wouldn’t expect anything less from Tennessee…

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Haven’t seen many of these posted…


I’m running a Dutch auction for a bunch of rare Tom Kuhn Yo-Yos. Please check it out:

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Do you know anything about this yoyo for sale on EBay? Tom Kuhn Silver bullet SB2 YoYo, special edition anodized blue swirl Tom Kuhn Silver bullet SB2 YoYo, special edition anodised blue swirl | eBay

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That was a standard color release for 1998 - I have an extra one still untouched in the box (see below). This color was sold for a long time - I also have a World’s 2006 engraved version. That one on ebay doesn’t have great pics, can’t tell condition or serial #. Hit me up if you are interested in mine.


Thanks! You actually have good enough pictures that it looks like a desirable yoyo. I believe that I can pass it up, though. I am way over budget for yoyos this month! I , in my limited experience, though, had never heard of this variation.

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