Tom Khun Silver bullet 2 mod

Got bored. So ordered some starburst from the loop 2020. Sanded them as thin as i could get them and then expoxied them into half of a pair of silver bullet 2 yoyos. Work really well now have a pair of metal looping yoyos.


I wouldn’t use those for 2A unless you’re pretty proficient. I’m not and I come pretty close to my head on occasion lol.


Neat idea. Idk if I could stomach doing that to an SB but my al2000 might be a contender.

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Read you can remove 2 part epoxy so figure no big deal can always reverse it.

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With an adjustable gap it didn’t loop to begin with???

It did but the turbo disk don’t last very long.


Ok then I stand corrected.

If you put o-rings on the center post it will add more center weight and help it to loop better.


Thats cool. So looping benefits more from center weight?


Yes. Rim-weighted yoyos resist flipping over for each loop.


Absolutely, that’s why most looping yo-yos traditionally are more of an imperial shape. More modern ones have a thicker heavier cap on them.


Not entirely accurate, the flipping is how you twist your wrist on the loop and the hops. (My loops flip, my hops don’t flip no matter what yoyo I’m using) rim weight puts the mass on the edge generating more rpm making a yoyo spin longer. For looping you want low rpm and to have more control on which you get moving the weight closer to the axis of rotation but further out on that axis.


Guess that means i shouldn’t use the weight rings that come with the silver bullet 2. Gives rim weight.

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Yeah, if you’re looping with it you want rings on the bullet not on the rim. There was a pre-2000 review of the sb1 or 2 that complained about how bad of a looper it was and that they had to go to the hardware store to get o-rings to add center weight to it.


Well the only way to learn is to try things. Can’t reccomend this mod. Think it plays better stock. Just need to get some better pads and something to disolve the epoxy to go back to stock. You live you learn.