Time for me to start the Ambidexterous Movement

Welcome to the new ambi movement. This is to be my new crowning jewel for the yoyo world, and I hope for you to try it out yoyoing on your other hand with me. Enjoy!

-Connor Scholten



Absolutely fantastic!!!


Incredible !!! Your 2a skills are off the charts man !!! And congrats at nationals btw :grin:

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Figured I should give an explanation since I have had several messages from people indicating this concept is going over their head.

Normally when you see 2a, they will wear one sleeve and arm wrap by making the sleeping yoyo on their strong hand manipulate the string on the wrist on their weak hand. This leads to your strong hand having a different skill set than your weak hand. Making 2a at the highest level to be fundamentally non-symmetrical ever since arm wraps started being discovered circa year 2000.

I decided to rectify that starting 8 years ago by learning to be ambidextrous in my arm wrapping. Watch both wrists as I basically had to relearn 2a arm wrapping from scratch left handed in order to be able to do the tricks on both of my wrists here. This is not your typical 2a video in the sense that I am doing tricks but basically showing to the other 2a players that we can take the style into this ambidextral realm and discover an ocean of new possibilities within it like transitions between wraps and many other ideas.

I hope this creates understanding, and I hope that this video does not fall into obscurity just because of some technicality or miscommunication.

I will be showing this later in other styles too, I have offstring and freehand techniques that benefit from ambidexterous perspectives.


Thanks for the explanation! I was a little confused but that clears it up. Not that I’ll be able to join this movement any time soon :slight_smile: I’ll be working my way in that direction though. Still trying to get to the ability to do 2a at all.


I play 5A and I make it a point to always try and learn new tricks with both hands. Whenever I do that I remember how it felt when I started to yoyo. The simplest motion has to be calculated. Needless to say you’re killing it here. Keep it up man!

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And my Nationals Freestyle


I’m loop curious and incredibly happy I stumbled onto this before I really dive in. Definitely a good thing to think about ahead of time. So cool to see such a clear example of how much space there is to explore in Yoyo.

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