Throwing over my non-throw hand definitely worked, I was able to work cold fusion on the couch while my son was playing with his toys.
Basically just tossing the YoYo down over my hand, and pulling away my throw hand/ dragging the string across the top of my NTH, and then rotated to my index finger and flipped into a trap, and off I went.
I’ve been playing seated a lot lately during my kid’s bedtime (I’m tired, and he now wants to tell me elaborate story arcs, so I just need to sit and ask questions while he bounces around the room.) and fixie play seems to work particularly well seated. The string is naturally short, and doing stall tricks seems to work easily in any chair, even side style stuff. Also I think subtly the fact that you can re-orient the yoyo freely during the stall means it’s easier to manage and bring it back to center when you’re sitting.
Try doing a handstand and yoyoing with your feet…
Actually though, I have a barstool and I just slap some foam on the legs, just in case. That works out fine for me though I prefer just standing.
And anyone can handstand yoyo, I should like to see this talent