Throw-Yo SOLUTIONS - "Ghost" Colorway Counterweights!

Restock coming to the shop this weekend, and Ethers, a new string in the lineup!


A small batch of Inks has hit the shop! Grab’em while you can!


There are a few packs of Ethers in stock! Ethers are the evolution of my older Semi-Filtered strings. A mix of spun/trilobal poly that costs less than Inks or Elixirs.

I will no longer be selling pure spun poly strings, but an updated version of those, Solvents, will be included in many Pay it Forward boxes that come my way, or free with certain orders.


Guess who’s on Instagram now.

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i expect fresh hot memes in my reels now


Oh, it’ll be there.

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I don’t know what to call them, but these tricolor Ethers look fantastic, especially under a black light!

Edit: I’m calling them Orange Flower


Here’s a look at one of the 3 new Inks releasing this weekend.

Mar13-N/A. Reserved, sweet, and gentle, but with a sassy side when aggravated.


The 2nd of 3 new Inks arriving this weekend, FRI is fearless, audacious, and reckless.

The last of the new Inks arriving this weekend, Mar-E can be quiet, sarcastic, and a bit laid-back.

With the 3 new colors coming tomorrow, the I-Doll series of Inks is complete! I expect at least 3 5-packs of each color will go up tomorrow afternoon.


Inks have been restocked! The first 5 people who order will get a FREE 5-pack of Solvent strings as well.


PRL Inks are out of stock again. Guess y’all love those the most. They’ll be restocking this weekend.


PRL Inks are now back in stock! This may be the last restock of PRLs until my next thread order.


Q for all of you out there. Is there any interest in lefty Throw-Yo SOLUTIONS?


As a right hand guy no but follow up question are there lefty string out there in the market now?

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Yo-Yo String Lab has the INVERSE, which sells here on YYE.

I was thinking about this because there’s a lefty where I work who constantly has to worry about his torsion with normal strings.


Actually… I have a lefty string on one of my loop 900s (makes things annoying when I mix up which string goes in which hand)

I could see some value in getting a pack of thin/normal lefty string as long as its color is unique enough I know what I’m grabbing in my off hand without being confused.

Mark me down as a maybe on some lefty string

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I may offer it as a made-to-order option for my current lineup.


As a lefty, I have not tried the inverse.

I would give them a shot. “Made to order” makes a lot of sense.

Thoughts; When I throw the torsion loosens. I have to adjust back to neutral.

Lefty String would tighten- I would have to adjust to neutral.

Either way, I am adjusting to neutral?

I imagine this couls be beneficial on fixies?

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