Throw-Yo SOLUTIONS - "Ghost" Colorway Counterweights!

I call these Pink Bismuth, and I’ve prepped a batch that will be going out in several Pay if Forward boxes that are on their way to me!


Here’s a look at Himalayan Honey, a μ: 14 cP monster of a Filtered string that was commissioned for the Pay it Forward: Modded Responsive box. This string is THICK.

Fun fact: This string gets its name from the Himalayan Giant Honey Bee.


Man oh man. That is one honey of a string…:smiley::cricket::cricket::cricket::pleading_face:


There is a specific reason I asked for these strings that Rob so graciously crafted in such a marvelous way. If you have a Bi-Metal Bumblebee you’ll particularly benefit from these strings. I was very surprised by the way a Confusion played with a thick string like this as well. So here goes a few things I found and a few thoughts. The BMBb and Conf both felt very sluggish to me on top of some other less that desirable characteristics(mostly on BMBb) Part of this sensation comes from a slow acceleration speed, even more so if you lube your bearing to get more response.
So if you cut this thick string the same length as you normally cut your string and then wind it up, you will notice that it fills more of the gap than your standard string. This may seem like no big deal but when you throw it the difference is like trying to take off in your car while in 3rd gear and then switching to 1st gear. The difference is very noticeable, and I’ve also noticed that a particularly heavy throw can feel more controlled when using heavy string like this. But this kind of thick string has been hard for me to find and that’s why I asked Rob if he might not be willing to try his hand. I’m certain that it wasn’t even 4 hours later when he posted this amazing string. Since thick string like this is an essential part of the setup on the Bi-Metal Bumblebee and Confusion yo-yos in my Modded Responsives Pay it Forward, and since I haven’t been able to find any other than the few I had, Rob agreed to make this. If you have a BMBbee or a confusion and want a new experience with them, ask Rob and maybe he’ll make some for you too. Thanks Rob. :wink::+1:

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A limited about of Pink Bismuth strings have dropped in the Throw-Yo store!


I have a question about string length. Here are some examples of what I’m looking for:
The white string is what comes with the YYF yo-yos.
The red/black next to it is zipline brand.
Bright yellow/green is cheap string I took a chance on on Amazon, (and although I’m only 5’1", it’s worthless).
The green/black is snake bite brand.
You can see the white and red are longer than the yellow/green

and green/black.

The question is, when I’m looking for new strings to try, none of them have stated a length.
How do you guys deal with this?

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Some manufacturers make longer string so players can cut it down to a size they like. Most will say how long the strings are in their description. I have a certain length I make my strings, but haven’t measured it just yet. They are longer than most to start.


Brewing up a fresh batch of Gentian Violet strings today for a limited store drop. These will be μ: 6 cP Semi-filtered strings.


The Gentian Violet drop is now live!

As a bonus, I’ve dropped a single 5pk of some μ: 12cP Filtered Saline strings for responsive play!


I went to brew up a new batch of Semi-Filtered Neurotoxin strings this morning, only to realize the green I bought was too dark!

Is this a new SOLUTION, or is it still Neurotoxin? Either way, a 5pk of these will be dropping in the shop for String Saturday tomorrow.


A very special request from my youngest. They wanted a Nonbinary colored string. Brewed it up while working on orders this morning.

Type: Semi-Filtered
Color: Enby
μ: 10 cP

These are currently not for sale.


Filtered Methylene Blue in μ: 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14cP.
Unfiltered Black Oxide in μ: 4cP

I’m selling this size sampler set for $6.50 with free shipping.


Brewing up a new batch of Methylene Blue this morning. Filtered, μ: 6. A few packs should be hitting the shop later today.


It’s been an interesting morning in the lab. The following strings are ones I’ve been working toward making for the past year, and they’re finally here. Inks! These poly/rayon blends are vibrant, slick, and much softer than Filtered, Semi-Filtered, or Unfiltered Throw-Yo strings. They’re not as whippy, but they’re smooth as butter.

The colors are Splatt 1, Splatt 2, and Splatt 3, and a few 3-color sample packs are hitting the shop later today. Rayon is a bit harder to work with, and seeing as each string is hand-made one at a time, they’ll be $3 for each 3-string pack.

In other news, Melatonic strings will be dropping later today, and another batch of Pink Bismuth is on its way!

Stay Fresh!


This morning’s results were encouraging! A fresh batch of Semi-Filtered Neurotoxin strings and some Splatt 1 Inks were brewed, as well as a few unannounced Lab projects.

The new formula for Neurotoxin is stronger than previous ones, while still maintaining the same feel and color vibrancy!


Splatt 2 will be hitting the shop today!

The first Deluxe Ink, Callie, will be hitting the shop sometime this week. This is a Rayon/Trilobal Poly blend with amazing longevity.


Out of The Lab: Throw-Yo Rope

A while back a commission came in to create a thicker string for use with a modified Duncan Bumblebee Bimetal. The result was Himalayan Honey, a Throw-Yo Labs string with a monster μ of 14cP. One user of said string dubbed it “Throw-Yo Rope,” and well the name stuck. It was a bit thick for the modded Bumblebee, but it turns out it works perfectly with an unmodified Bumblebee, eliminating the need to mod it.

Got a responsive throw that doesn’t perform the way you would like? Worried about modifying it to narrow the gap? Toss on some Rope and you may find modification unnecessary.

Rope is out of The Lab and available to custom order for $1 each. They’re 100% poly, and can be made in many different color combinations. If you are interested, shoot me a message to get a custom order started!

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The moment I’ve been waiting for is finally at hand! Introducing Throw-Yo’s signature line of SOLUTIONS strings, Inks, Elixirs, and Ropes! The new line of strings is focused on quality and playability and is a cut above bulk strings.

Let’s start with Throw-Yo’s signature line of strings, Inks. These strings are a blend of rayon and trilobal poly, offering a slick feel, unparalleled strength, and killer whips and slacks. A pack of these should last players a very, VERY long time, as well as offer them a unique play experience, unlike many other strings.

Next up is Elixirs. These are a workhorse string made of 100% trilobal poly. These offer a long life, great whips and slacks, a comfortable feel on the finger, and a familiar style of play many throwers are used to.

Ropes, as seen in the post above, are monster strings made for responsive play. They’re 100% spun poly and available on a commission basis only.

Inks and Elixirs are available in 5-packs for $10 in the Throw-Yo shop. Ropes are $1 per string and made-to-order.

Note: Some older Filtered, Unfiltered, Semi-Filtered, and v1 Inks are still available for purchase at their original $3-$5 prices per 5-pack. Message me if interested.


How do I get a pack of each?

Check out my profile for the link!