Thoughts on the YYK Ghost?

What are your guys’ thoughts on the yoyo king ghost? I’ve seen VERY mixed reviews, most people either giving five stars or one star. I thought it looked fishy, but if it’s actually a decent bimetal, then I’d like to get a pair for 3a. I am not normally a fan of amazon throws but this one is overwhelmingly more popular and high-rated, but the bad reviews still haunt me (hehe). tia!


Regardless of YoYo I don’t think bi metal is a good idea for 3a. Good chance of dislodging a rim that way. With that said the ghost is one of the prizes for 2April. Throw a few loops and maybe you win one to see what you think

Bi metals are king for 3a in my experience!

I’ve shifted rings doing 5a, but luckily, never doing 3a. Even throwing double break aways straight into each other. Lol Though, i’m using Save3A titans and JB Slam dunks… highest of high quality… i could see throws from amazon shifting rings. But still, i say go for it. You can press the rings back on sometimes and get smooth again. But even if it does end up vibing… so what? It’s a cheap 3A set up. I think the benefits of the bi metal for 3a are way too helpful to pass up. Cheap way to get a solid basic 3a setup. If they start to vibe youcan just pretend it’s 2005 and you’re a 3a beast!

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