This or That Game

Alifetime ith someone i had to learn to love,ive done it my whole life so far,so it wouldnt be that hard,and i believe tolerance and understanding create true love,which takes time a patience.

tic tacs or gum?

Gum. Both allow us to have fresh breath, but the chewing is awesome, and gum comes in more flavors than tic tacs.

chocolate covered peanuts or chocolate covered raisins?

Peanuts. I cant stand fruit + chocolate.

Butterfly knife vs standard switchblade

Switchblade. You can use it more than just for show.

Football or soccer

definitely football

Plaid or animal print?

Plaid for the win.

If you had to learn a language…

Spanish or Japanese?

Spanish because I’m taking Latin now and spanish is a romance language so…
Jambalaya or chile?

my family is from louisiana, i grew up on jumbalaya. so def jumbalaya

If you could hav it as a pet

Dragon or Unicorn? Mythical petzorz

Tangible book or e book?

I have a kindle, but not quite used to e-books yet. Tangible book, still gets my vote for now.

A sandwich…

On slices of bread, or in a wrap?

wrap, its less carbs.

yoyo string- loop of slipknot facing ring finger or pointer finger?


Thumb grind: throw hand or non throw hand thumb?

Yeah always away for sure. It’ll prevent it from sliding around your finger.

Chik-fil-a or In-n-out?

Non throw hand.

In-n-out! Hard to find a better burger for the price. Aaaand now I’m hungry.

Wakeboarding or water skiing?

Neither, but if I had to choose water skiing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Drinking straight from a can, or through a straw?

Straight from the can and… Now I want pop

Root beer or Cream soda?

cream soda
Water tubing or water skiing?

Tubing. Nothing is more fun than shoving your friend off a tube to assert dominance.

Laptop or Tablet

Laptop. Tablets are silly. Anywhere you can take a tablet you can take a laptop. Besides, Tablets cant do anything my phone cant. And typing? hahaha.

skateboarding vs bmx

Duffle bag or suitcase?