This or That Game

Raspberry or grape jelly?


1000 pennies or 1 dollars?

1000 pennies

Axis pulsefire or recess weekend?

Pulsefire, 'cause I’ve seen it.

Supercalifragalistic or expialidocious?

The latter or a selpnir
Basically a titanium mech pencil or a selpnir

I’ll go with the pencil, it looks neat.

You are going to eat pie and ice cream, but you can only use one utensil, what do you use:

A spoon, or a fork?


A day at the beach or a day at the pool.

Depends on where the beach is and how big the pool is
But I’ll go with Beach

Beats or Bose?

Bose, Beats are overhyped.

Long sleeve shirts or short sleeve shirts.


Hakuna or Matata?

The hakunawunamaomao or whatever it is.

Per the rules, if you answer, you have to create a new entry for the game. Otherwise, it stalls the game. Thanks.

Domino’s or Papa John’s?

Papa John’s
Tv or internet

Oops, I’m sorry. Slipped my mind.


Star Trek or Star Wars?

Star Wars

Tokyo or New York

New York. I have to give it up for the states.

Which is worse: Stubbing a toe, or hitting your funny bone?


Little dogs or big dogs?

Little dogs. I’m scared around dogs, they’re too unpredictable. But, I can take a small one if it goes on the attack lol.

Mayweather or Pacquiao?

I don’t know, I’d say it’s a tie…

Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

11:60 Christmas Eve. Try that on for size.

Tree topper wise, star or angel?