Smooth trade. I’m a bit impatient when it comes to my purchases.
Pick your poison: severe tooth rot from a lifetime supply of soda and candy or be the well-paid live-in nanny/maid for a group of children who obsess over Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber?
bad throw for free, as long as it has a bearing, does not have vibe to the point where i cant use it, and can be revamped to play better.
free Space Cowboy with a bearing that is poo and you cant replace it
free YYF One with a Platinum grade NSK bearing, and you cant move it to any other throws?
(btw im not saying that there’s anything wrong with an unresponsive One, they just aren’t the greatest yoyo ever ;))
Only 2 options for this game. But, I’ll go with the first bad throw. I’m not sure what made it “bad” to begin with. But, that looks like the preferred option of those available.
Which would you choose:
Be your own boss, have your own business, but whether it does good or bad is dependent on how hard you are willing to work. You will have bouts of extreme stress related to this option. or
Have a job, you answer to someone else, and your pay is good and consistent, yet not the greatest. You will not ever be stressed out, but have periods of feeling extremely unfulfilled with your work.
I go with the Option #1. both seem equally bad though! XD
Ether: Your only transportation is a skateboard and your job is 3 miles away.
Or: You have a fancy sports car and have to drive a whole day to get between your house and work.
haha the $300 phone with contract and the low internet easy! XD Cheep. I am tooo cheep. NQP yoyo better cause it cost less cheep! XD
Your looking for and new car you can…
Ether: Take out a loan and get a nice new car.
Or: Pay up front in full for a car that doesn’t look nice but works.
I’ll go for the loan and the new car. A car that “works” now, might have me in the shop all the time trying to get someone to fix every little thing that breaks. That was cool in my 20s, but I’m too old for that crap haha. Because I don’t like putting a car in the shop all the time, time is money, and I like to ride clean, I might as well get the loan.
You’re wearing a T-shirt with jeans. Tuck the shirt in, or leave it hanging out?
Ah football players in the style Americans call soccer! XD yeah… I have no clue to me it come down to two teams have never heard of! for two countries! XD yeah… basically I have no I dea how to respond! XD