This Is Why Yuki Nishisako Is My Favorite Yoyoer

I can do 2 of them already. Trying to find some more of them

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You were speaking of Tyler Vienneau and his routines, you were the one speaking of comps and saying that there is nothing wrong with being stationary. I disagree with that.

unless with “routines” you meant non competition stuff, then it was a misunderstanding

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I don’t think I said anything in the context of competition. You must be mistaking me for someone else.

I thought that with routines you meant his competitions routines. So it was just a misunderstanding.


If yall want to see these same tricks crafted for comp… watch his 3rd place performance for worlds 2019

Heres him doing these same tricks but with a more comp oriented performance. It’s just as beautiful and artistic. He definitely moves more though haha


Wow!! His performance is amazing and very professional and he was able to immediately recover from every mistake.
I just looked at the 1A wyyc 2019 results and he’s the player with the highest technical execution. His TE is 57.3/60! Crazy. He with one other player also scored the highest in “control” with a 4.8/5.

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Yeah to me he’s just so incredible. I watch him like everyday hoping to pick up on just a tiny bit of his swag haha. I want my style to be heavily influenced by him and a few others.

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