The Yovengers


2WEI 2018, Bowl, Grail, Life

Organic dream team!


Gorgeous. I missed the 2WEI drop, so that’s the only one I’m missing. Oh, and my bowl is the 7068 version because I’m not made of money. >.<’


That is Bowl 7068. I don’t have a Ti Bowl either (yet!)


I mean obviously the green 2WEI is :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
But wow…that orange Grail is also gorgeous! :orange_heart:

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I can’t help but find the existance of the Bowl offensive.


hehe I know there’s gotta be an inside joke behind this…I just don’t know what it is! :stuck_out_tongue:

I am curious, why is it that you take offense?


The aqua Bowl is beautiful. I have the pink one, and now I wish I had the aqua one.


I believe he’s talking about the ties between the bowl and the Grail, and the similarities between the two.


Gotchya. I am unfamiliar with their ties. They visually look quite different to me. :man_shrugging:


There was some drama awhile back that I just barely missed before coming back off a hiatus. Apparently the Tibowl was more similar before release and Jensen wasn’t happy.

Ahh yes, the color and logo should’ve been a dead giveaway. I didn’t give my response much thought. I just saw the beauties and had to say something. lol.

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And Jensen’s wishes were respected and changes were made prior to release and Jensen has no beef with Elvin now. But for some reason people keep bringing this up.

I wonder why Jensen gets a pass on refusing to change the name, actually hurting LaMontē, but people rush to an unnecessary defense of Jensen on this issue. Honestly I lose respect for people when they bring it up. It’s a bad look IMO.


Hey man, I’m just the messenger. Someone asked :man_shrugging:


I agree. Is jensen the only one allowed to make organic yoyos? Love the guy but come on man, all the complaining kinda ruins this community. Not speaking just about him, but everything in general (ie bowl, yoyofreaks, etc)


Sorry I was just quoting you because you had that explanation and it was kind of a conversational reply for the rest of the audience. I know you’re not banging that drum. And for the record, I don’t think it’s an issue with sides to take at all. I love stuff from Elvin and A-RT and will continue to buy from both.

I just think it’s silly that every time the Bowl gets brought up people want to bring up that unfounded dirt. It’s weird and mean-spirited and uncharacteristic of the community IMO, and it’s not exercised equilaterally.


Ah okay, good deal. I agree with what you’re saying in regards to it being old news and tired. The Bowl is very different from the Grail, and people should love them both :heart:


Yeah sorry I caused confusion I know you were just reporting the tale, not endorsing it.

I love the organic surge - it’s so great. Silicone-modded FHZ was my go-to back in the day, and 888 was my first pricey metal. Next to arrive should be the Batsquatch - REALLY looking forward to holding that one!


Ive seen plenty about how the Grail/Bowl/Life compare to one another, but how does the 2WEI play in comparison? I was lucky to make the ILLY drop so I now have one of those green beauties, and would like to know since I have none of the others.

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2WEI is remarkably smooth and the finish is amazing. Not to take away from the smoothness of the others but this 2WEI is just gorgeous.

2WEI is less forgiving as you fall off plane. It’s a straighter wall with no schmoove groove. Gap is a tiny bit smaller if I remember spec comparison. String rejection and regens are really fantastic on the 2WEI. Also a really nice undercut rim that allows for easy thumb grinds.

The 2WEI is rounded all over - curves for days on that baby.

They definitely each have a distinct personality. I’d hate to have to choose a favorite - it really depends on what is in my hand at the time.