The Woods

Check out my new 5a video:

Comment and stuff

Nice 5a. Is that Bon Iver I hear? I’m on mobile so I can’t tell.


Good choice.

Your videos never disappoint. 5a is so hard to wrap my head around, and I’ve been trying to learn for months and months. This is the kind of video that gives my inspiration to keep trying. ;D



glad you did. i must have missed it the first time around. you videos never disappoint.

great job!

Please compete… that style should not be kept from dominating the 5a division hahahaha ;D

He got 2nd at Illinois state 5A in 2011. If i remember correctly.

Nice. I’ve been working on my 5A a little bit more. I’m no where near you though, haha.

Nice, I need a real counter weight mine is homade.