The truth

So, Hard taco shells. or softy

post below or die

soft all day, yo.


Softy where it’s at.

A soft taco is a burrito. Case closed.

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original tacos are soft, and the burrito is american, case reclosed. Soft all the way! (i will eat hard tacos though)

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Don’t care which, just give me my tacos!


Smexy people eat either or…without any milk!

neither just go with bacon

rub some bacon on it.

I just nailed my thumb to a birdhouse

I bet you don’t even know what we do with the tooth, we grind it up, then they put it in fast food and the money that we leave behind isn’t even real. It’s printed on an inkjet, a counterfeit bill.
lol. Rhett and link are awesome, I’m literally listening to some really old GMM’s right now.
Starting from episode 1 from boredom… I’m on 61.

What, how could someone say SOFT? THAT’S NO TACO, THAT’S A BURRITO!

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This thread has sufficiently been put off track. My work is done.

Hard shell easier to make a. Taco and is. Really crispy and tasty!

Da flip…periods randomly inserted. Heck, I’m going crazy!