The thank you post.

After reading posts on this page it looks like this is a (joke) thread.

Wow I did not notice that :o :o

My freezer being empty is no joke

Yes I know that’s why I said this page your post is on first page.

My freezer is currently still empty

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Put your Draupnir in freezer.

I don’t know why this made me laugh so much, but it tickled me just right. You lads are a funny bunch. ;D

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Is your freezer still empty or is your Draupnir shrunk to be an undersized yoyo.

Hey don’t joke about a mans empty freezer

you said that exact same thing a couple of months ago(mabe actually a while ago) when another forum user(I did not say "someone"lol) when A topic like this was posted last time

Just like yoyoing, being good on the forum is all about consistency.

I’m just wondering if this thread is really necessary? We already have this in the forum rule section
YoYoExpert Forum Rules - #3 by anonyo - General Yo-Yo - YoYoExpert
Just wondering…

I didn’t read the rules I mean I read the main one but no the ones in comments. Plus this is a old thread.

I was just asking. The forum rules are right there at the top as a sticky thread. I know it is old. But it is the forum rules after all. But that’s why I was asking. If this new thread of yours helps new people find the thank you button at the top right corner of peoples replies.than all the better right.

No no no. I am saying my this thread I made is old and I did a bump to it.

And about rules I was saying that I read the main ones when I joined but didn’t read the one wich were included in the post as comments.

Oh okay. I get you now.

my yearbook quote ladies and gentlemen