I used to be really frustrated with YoYoJam. In 07-09, it seemed like the YoYoJam had lost its focus and heavily relied on years old designs. I was frustrated because in my mind, YoYoJam had the one of the most untapped wells of pure potential and was wasting it on starbursts, convex o-rings and thin gaps. Every once in a while an exciting spark of ingenuity would relight my hope but bamboo, synergy, and mirrored caps weren’t enough. They needed a complete refresh. It frustrated me so much that I spent hours filling a notebook with business plans, marketing ideas, designs, and rebranding ideas all tailored specifically to YoYoJam. It just felt good to get them on paper but in the end, just made me sad that the onetime industry giant was no longer king of the mountain. Then the revamp happened. Earlier this year, YoYoJam completely rejuvenated their production line and showed it wares as it charged back up the mountain. New axel designs, new body shapes, and a complete refresh on once loved classic models. This was the YoYoJam I had been waiting for. This was the YoYoJam I had been hoping for. This was THE YoYoJam. Of the new line released and unveiled in August at the World Yo-Yo Championship in Florida, the new signature throw of Hiroyuki Suzuki (aka Mickey) was getting the most chatter. Not only did YoYoJam make a full metal for him, they made a hybrid Plastic/Metal version. The Phenom and the Phenomizm was revealed and high level players everywhere were showing interest. YoYoJam was kind enough to send me the Phenom and the Phenomizm for review. This week, we here at YoYoSkills take on the hybrid; The YoYoJam Phenomizm.
Read the rest of this Review at YoYoSkills.com»
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