The Msanders triple scam case.

This in particular was the part that caught my eye.

Doesn’t sound like it to me.

The threatening to go break his legs or kick his butt or that kind of talk, that’s where it’s no longer legal. Informing the parents that their son has stolen goods is definitely not extortion.

I meant that he knocked on the door and scared the mom, (the guy has plugs and tattoos, i would be scared too if the circumstances were different).

I misunderstood then.

I never threatened anyone nor intentionally scared anyone or did anything illegal lol I’m not that kind of person :slight_smile: but I can’t help if people are uneasy by my appearance

Sorry if that came out mean, your an awesome guy! I’m glad that i met you at BAC!

I have made four trips so far. First two times they weren’t there

I think your all handling this wrong. This is why we have police, going once is ok, but multiple times is not thinking wisely. Im Sure your intent is to do the right thing but who knows if your going to get hurt yourself or in trouble by the law, it’s just not worth it.

Sage advice IMHO.

Well, I told these guys I would help get their stuff back and that is my word so I will not stop until I talk with his parents and get a definitive answer weather or not they are going to help me retrieve this stolen stuff, and if not then I will gladly get the sheriffs office involved and do it that way. My intention is not to do anything illegal here but simply expose the truth about this kid to his parents and help a wrong be righted to these good people that showed faith in this ungreatful little…well, you know, while staying within the peramiters of the law. State, county and city.

Unless you live in Mayberry if you think the police are going to get involved with a petty theft like this you’re dreaming. Same with reporting it to a postal inspector. They have better things to do with their time and resources.

Hate to say it, but JHB is probably right. Though you might luck out and get someone who’s bored. At least there are written records, so they would have something to work with were they to take an interest.

But you’re probably SOL as far as official help goes.

I don’t believe “extortion” this would fall under this instance someone has stolen property, trying to get your property back is not extortion.

but hey i’m no lawyer so I could be wrong, it happens all the time =)

Using force to get something owed to you is extortion. You know, mob tactics and all.

However, nothing in this thread adds up to extortion, methinks. It was just a misunderstanding about scaring the mom.

Nothing is owed to the Mob that’s why its extortion.

Still illegal to break someone’s legs if they owe you money.

I think he’s racked up to $500 in stolen goods so far, so if we can get him up to $950 then it will be grand thrift. Lol.

Hey, most of you involved in this case said that you would help compensate me for my multiple trips out to this kids house. Unfortunately, those of you I have talked to have basically avoided me or blown me off. I can’t help but feel kind of walked on for about $60 that I put out to help you guys. That really sucks. And a couple of you that did communicate with me, were really not so open or willing to make good on your words. Not really fair. So I probably won’t be going out there again because I can not afford to put money out of my pocket to help the situation if I’m not even going to get a trade for my time and efforts. I don’t have any hard feelings, I’m just kind of feeling screwed, maybe how you guys felt screwed when this kid stole your throws, doesn’t feel good. So if you guys want to ever talk to me about it or whatnot just shoot me a PM, again, no hard feelings I just wish y’all would do what you said.

^ Hmmm…I’ve been reading all along and curious how this would turn out. I would agree that it is not against the law to show up to someone’s house, especially a kid’s house, to speak to the parents about what the kid is doing wrong. I think if more people did that, and more parents actually listened, we’d have a better world. Unfortunately, in this day and age, you never know if the parents are as bad as the kid. Sometimes the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. You put yourself in potentially in danger because you don’t know what their reaction will be. If they are not reasonable people, and start an altercation with you, it will not be in your favor for several reasons.

  1. You came to their doorstep with an “issue.”
  2. You are not directly involved in the underlying reason for the visit.
  3. There may be a house full of people there, and witnesses + no witnesses has a clear winner.
  4. If the police did show up, all you’d have is a bunch of forum usernames and yo-yo talk. :-\

I am heavily in favor of sending a letter in the mail, using the telephone if you have a phone number, and if you have a name and address, maybe someone local and involved can file a small claim (civil action) for the stolen goods. Even make a police report if you want to, because you’re free to do that. But, if the people involved are not willing or able to do those things, it’s better off left alone. They have a name, address, and know where he goes to school too. They can use that to their advantage.

You were a nice guy to make the attempt. The funny thing is, when someone shows up to my front door who I don’t know and wasn’t expecting, I don’t open the front door. I tell them to hang on (talking through the door), walk out the back door, lock it behind me, walk around to the front of the house to meet them and see what they want. I never put myself in a position to get rushed at the front door or give them an opportunity to get in. I feel better on my guard, out in the open in the front yard. Oh, and sometimes I’m not empty handed either. :smiley:

Lol yea, I really tried and I want to still get them back for these guys but I just can’t because doing it has literally made me broke. Andit REALLY bothers me that these guys are avoiding compensating me when they said that they would. Because I’m having a really hard time right now financially and I need it.I have told them I would even settle for a trade as long as it was a bit in my favor, but none of them are making good on their words. It really makes me sad. :frowning: